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Like all the inert gases it is in atomic form. No molecules like Ar2 are possible.


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Q: Does argon represent a molecule or an atom?
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Is Ar a atom or molecule?

Argon (Ar) is an atom not a molecule. An atom is singular whereas a molecule is a group of two or more atoms.

Chemical formulas represent the number and element of each type of atom in?

Chemical formulas represent the number and element of each type of atom in a molecule.

What is the proportion of mass of Chlorine and Argon gas in a given volume?

The mass of the chlorine atom is 35.5. The mass of the argon atom is 40. So you may think that the argon is more massive than chlorine. That is not correct.In a given volume of gas, at given pressure and temperature, the number of molecules are same in case of the gas. Chlorine molecule has got two atoms. The argon remains single. So the mass of chlorine molecule is 35.5*2 = 71. the mass of argon atom and molecule is 40.So the chlorine gas is much massive as compared to argon gas. The proportion goes to be 71 to 40, to be exact.

How many atoms in a molecule of argon?

There is one atom in argon. Argon is a "noble gas", which means that it occurs independently. This is true for all of the atoms on the final column of the periodic table.

What does the number 18 represent in the number 18 AR?

18 represents the atomic number for Argon. It is the number of protons and of electrons in an argon atom and defines its position in the periodic table.

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Which atom is larger out of helium and argon?


Is argon an atom?

Yes. Because argon is an element the smallest "piece" of it is referred to as an atom.

An atom of argon rarely bonds to an atom of another element because an argon atom has?

An atom of argon has a completely filled outer shell. If you know about bonding, you will get what I mean. The argon atom does not want to give or receive or give electrons because it is already as stable as possible.

Is argon an ion or atom?

i think it is an atom

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