

Best Answer

He Officially denies that he is sterile (1996 Cruise sued a German magazine for $60 million dollars after it published a story accusing Cruise of being sterile.). All his children are adopted except the last one, a girl named Suri, but many assert that this child was born of artificial insemination (possilbly from sperm donated by a cousin or other relative). There are many reasons to believe that he is, indeed, incapable of having a a child. Several websites claim that he is sterile. with evidence to support their statement. Here are just a few:

According to Tom's FIRST wife, Mimi Rogers, said Tom is unable to reproduce because of a childhood accident. She wanted to start a family, she didnt want to adopt, she divorced him, BAM, 6 months later she was pregnant. Put 2 and 2 together people, it equals 4.

See also

Tom Cruise has only 3 upper incisors. Why is this important, you ask? Because if this guy is to be believed, Cruise's dental oddity (along with his dyslexia, small stature and family history) is an indicator of holoprosencephaly, a genetic disorder which might explain why Nicole Kidman's pregnancies during their marriage ended in stillbirths.

Apparently he also started out in life considering going into the priesthood, which may or may not have anything to do with his sexuality.

From mokitten

I want to clear up some misinformation and give information that was overlooked or just plain not mentioned in the above post .

1. Tom and Mimi were only married for three years and during those three years Tom and Mimi were separated by work alot ..mostly his . Tom was very busy, he was either prepping for a film , developing a film , making a film or promoting a film during his marriage to Mimi . He starred in four films , two of which were Rain Man and Born on the Fourth of July . Both of these films were very hard work and required much research and preparation as well as major promotion from Tom . Tom was also busy during that marriage developing Days of Thunder , which he was filming during his split with Mimi ( his attraction to his Days co-star and future wife Nicole might have had abit to do with that split as well ) .

The point I'm making here is that Tom was working so hard he barely had time to see Mimi much less spend enough time with her in a serious effort to get her pregnant. Also one has to wonder just how serious Tom was about having children at that time in his life concidering his non stop working.

Mimi has also backtracked on alot of her comments about Tom and concidering she was the scorned ex- wife anything she said would have to be taken with alot of salt as she was most likely quite bitter at the time. I have noticed her comments are alot kinder now that the bitterness has worn off and she and Tom have made an effort to be friends.

Mimi became involved with producer Chris Ciaffa in 1990 shortly after her divorce from Tom , but Mimi and Chris did not have a child together ( a daughter Lucy ) until 1995 . So it was 5 years NOT six months like you claim after her split with Tom before Mimi had her first child . You must have mixed up her starting her relationship with Chris with her getting pregnant ...either way the facts prove you very wrong !

2. Nicole herself has CONFIRMED ( no speculation like the above post ) she was pregnant twice during her marriage to Tom and there are good reasons both ended in loss that have absolutely NOTHING to do with Tom or his fertility . .

Her first pregnancy was shortly after their marriage and it tragicly turned out to be ectopic .

Her second pregnancy seems to have been a surprise and happened around the time they split . Nicole miscarried the baby , but there were other possable factors at work here the stress of the split and possable loss of her career ( remember there was much speculation if Nicole could make it in Hollywood without Tom ) , and a nagging knee injury from filming Moulin Rouge she was suffering with . Any of these could cause enough stress for a woman to miscarry , put them all together and you have enough physical and mental stress to make the situation ripe for a miscarrage .

Personally I take Tom and Nicole's words over websites who speculate rather than deal with hard, cold, proven facts .

Much of the above from mokitten sounds like opinion

It has been reported that Tom is sterile; or unable to produce children of his own. I read this myself in a magazine years ago -not a tabloid. He was sick and in hospital for a while as a boy and the disease caused him to become sterile. Also Nicole Kidman was able to have a child after about a year of marriage to Keith Urban at her age. That is why Tom and Nicole adopted children.

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STD = Scientology Trauma Disease !

No. He was checked out about a year ago and everything came up great.

Yea he does. It's called Scientology.

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