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Possessive pronouns do not take apostrophes. Some examples of possessive pronouns are: its, hers, his, theirs.

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Q: Do you put an apostrophe for ownership on its?
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Related questions

Do you put an apostrophe after a z?

Yes, if it will show ownership. Example: Buzz' radio or Buzz's radio

Can you put an apostrophe s after Wisconsin?

Yes if it will mean ownership of Wisconsin. Example: Wisconsin's population

What is a noun that shows ownership and contains an apostrophe?

A noun that shows ownership using an apostrophe is a possessive noun.

Do put a apostrophe after the s in Marcus?

No, the correct way to form the possessive form of "Marcus" is to add an apostrophe followed by another "s" (Marcus's). This is the standard rule for creating possessives of singular nouns ending in "s."

What is a noun that shows ownership and uses a apostrophe?

Some nouns that show ownership using an apostrophe are "couch's, house's, equation's", etc.

Why is the andok's has a apostrophe?

Andok's has an apostrophe because it shows ownership. Example: Andok's chicken

Does the plural of see have an apostrophe?

Never. As apostrophes represent ownership or a contraction I do not believe sees has an apostrophe.

What is the use of the apostrophe in this sentence billy's?

The apostrophe in the word Billy's means Billy's ownership of something.

Does monet have an apostrophe?

No, the word "monet" does not have an apostrophe. It is spelled as "Monet."

Can you add apostrophe s after who to show plurality?

No. Apostrophe is used to show ownership or constractions but not to show plurarity.

Why does Pandora's box have an apostrophe in it?

The apostrophe denotes ownership Pandora is a proper name and in this context she owns the box.

When do you use apostrophe after doctors?

When you are denoting ownership, as in "The doctor's thermometer was in his pocket," you use an apostrophe. The apostrophe would come after 'doctors' if you were referring to more than one doctor in denoting ownership, for example, "The doctors' patients were getting impatient."