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You are required to have at least Liability Coverage for the vehicle before ytou drive it off the lot!

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Q: Do you need auto insurance before you buy a car?
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What if you don't have insurance on a car but need to get a replacement title in WV?

You will have to buy auto insurance on the care before you can transfer the title.

Can you buy auto insurance before transferrinng ownership?

Not sure where you're at, but in most states, you'll need insurance before you transfer it, because you'll need insurance to have the car registered under your name. If the car's tags are expired, you'll definitely need insurance.

Can you buy auto insurance before registering the car?


Do you have to get auto insurance when you get your license?

No. You need not get insurance when you get a drivers license, but you must get insurance when you buy your own vehicle

If you buy a utility trailer from a dealer do you need to insure it before you take it off of the lot?

In my state the answer is no, as the trailer is covered by your auto insurance. Contact your insurance carrier to find out about your state.

What kind of auto insurance and liablility to operate a party bus?

You would need to buy a commercial auto policy.

Where can you buy auto insurance to cover you not your individual cars?

Auto insurance is for cars not for people. You can buy insurance on yourself so contact any insurance agent.

Do you need auto insurance if you rent a car with a credit card?

your regular car insurance should pay, check with them. Otherwise you must buy insurance.

Does auto liability insurance cover theft?

No, you need to read your policy and then buy a comprehansive coverage.

What type of Auto insurance to you need for delivering groceries?

You will need to buy a commercial auto insurance policy for delivery services. Vehicles used for delivery or conveyance are not covered under your Personal Auto Insurance. Any accidents that occur while engaged in commercial activities are not covered under your personal auto policy.

Can you buy auto owners insurance after being charged with a DUI?

You can buy auto insurance after a DUI, however it will be more expensisve. If your license is revoked, you cannot get insurance.

If you buy a car and have no auto insurance how long do you have to get insurance?

no coverage at all. Call an insurance company before hand and set up a binder policy at least for the liability.