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do yorkies have straight or curly hair

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Q: Do yorkies have striaght hair or curly hair?
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Is nick jonas's hair curly?

His hair is curly :-) oh and Joe's is striaght but Kevin's is curly!!

Is it better to have curly or straight hair with a beanie?

Striaght hair, deffinatly!

Who discovered curly or striaght hair?

No human "discovered" curly or straight hair. It is in our genes and is how God made us.

Your husband and you both have curly hair will your baby have curly hair also?

most likely. But if your sister, or anyone else in the family has striaght hair, the baby could probably get the trait from them also. it depends.

If you have striaght hair if you scrunch it will it be curly?

I have straight hair and even after I take a shower and I scrunch my hair.... I doesn't always turn out to be curly!! But I guess that's just my hair. Actually, that often works quite well. You could also try putting a little curling pomade in the hair before you scrunch it.

Do teacup yorkies have human hair?

teacup Yorkies do have human hair

Selena Gomez favorite hairstyle?

she probably would like striaght and curly

Will curly hair become straight if you use the straightner too often?

no because it will just make your hair worse. it will frizz your hair up and then it doesn't so pretty anymore so suggest you stop No, because the actual hair on your head is dead & the onyl alive part of your hair is the bit inside your scalp. And also, your hair type (curly, striaght etc) depends on the shape of hair follicle you have, or something. So anyway, no, because you're straightening dead hair! :)

She has curly hair or she have curly hair?

She has curly hair is correct.

Is curly hair hereditary?

Curly hair is hereditary. Children will get curly hair if they have parents with curly hair or if it runs in their families in grandparents.

What does sprouse look like?

She has striaght black hair.

If you have curly hair does that mean you have curly pubic hair?

no you could straight them even they are curly but i want them curly.