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Q: Do vocal chords vibrate when you talk?
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What do the vocal chords do?

The vocal chords vibrate so that you can talk to people and communicate, even holler when you need help or just feel like it.

What vibrates when i talk or sing and make the particles in the air around them vibrate?

Your vocal chords,

What happens in your throat while you sing?

I suppose your vocal chords vibrate, just like when you talk!

When you talk what vibrates in your throat?

Vocal Chords

Can phlegm make you lose your voice?

It can stick to the vocal chords and change the pitch at which they vibrate.

Is it possible to make a noise with your vocal chords without breathing?

No, that is not possible. Your vocal chords vibrate when air is forced through them so it would not be possible to use them without breathing.

What structure contains the vestibular and vocal folds?

the vocal chords are located in the larynx. Another name for the larynx is the voice box, and inside it are the vocal chords. Vocal chords are thin bands of tissue that vibrate when exhaled air rushes past them; this enables you to make sounds when you speak or sing. Dr.henzworth

why are apes unable to talk?

because they have no vocal chords

What makes people talk?

their brains and vocal chords

What are things you can do with your vocal chords?

you can sing , talk, and do stuff with your voice.

Why does helium make you talk different?

helium is less dense than the normal air we breathe, so when you breathe helium out and your vocal chords vibrate, it comes out in a higher pitch tone.

Where is vibration when you use your voice?

Vibrato or tremolo