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Not exactly, but pretty much the same direction. You need to think of our solar system as a flat plane (not airplane). If you looked at it from the side (edge-on) you would see that planets don't orbit the star going above and below the sun with respect to this view (edge-on). Some planets have orbits that do take them below and above the plane, but not by a lot. Since the sun and moon "setting" is caused by the Earths rotation on it's axis. The moon and sun will appear to "rise" in the East, while "setting" in the West. The exact degree will depend on your location on Earth. Since the planets and moons follow this plane they will all appear to rise and set in the same area. This is what we astronomers call the Ecliptic.

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Q: Do sun and moon rise and set same location?
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Do the moon set and rise at the same time each day?

No. The Moon tends to rise about 50 minutes later every day.

What are the actual rise and set times of the moon?

See related link for a calculator depending on your location

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For the same reason that the Sun and the Moon rise and set. That's the result of Earth's rotation.

Why does the moon rise and set where it does?

Because the moon goes around the earth and around so it goes to the same place.

Does the moon rise and set?

Yes, it does.

Does the sun and moon rise and set everyday?

i i

Where does the moon rise and where does it set?

The moon rises in the east and sets in the west.

What forces the moon to rise?

The moon is not actually forced to rise, but appears to be rising because of the orbit of the moon and the rotation of the earth. The movement of the planets and the moon makes them appear to rise and set.

Why can't we see the earth's sun set and rise if we were on the moon?

Because a sunrise or sunset are local phenomena. You cannot see such things if you are not in that location. The sunrise on the earth refers to when the sun appears over the local horizon or disappears below it for sunset. Where you are affects affects what you see astronomically speaking. On the moon you would see the local sunrise and sunset for your location on the moon.

Why does the moon rise at different times of the time?

First of all the Earth is not rounded circuit,so when the moon rounded around the earth & in same time the earth rounding around the sun,so the moon rise & set depend on the location of the earth & location the moon to sun