

Do sharks like shark blood

Updated: 11/16/2022
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12y ago

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They can 'smell it' from over a mile away. It leads them to their prey.

They don't always "smell it" to get to their prey, they also have great hearing of heartbeat. A calm heartbeat is not loud but a fast heartbeat is. When they hear the fastheartbeat it leads the shark to their prey

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From what I've seen on the discover channel sharks don't react to human blood when scientists place it in the water they are swimming in but they react wildly and aggressively when the same amount of fish blood is dropped into the same water.

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you wouldn't be attacked by a shark because sharks do not like the taste of human blood, the only reason a shark would atempt to attack you is if your surf board was the shape of a seal.

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Sharks all the way.

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Most sharks live on the South American coast because of the warm water. But some sharks, for example, like the Greenland shark live in cold waters because its like they're blood flow. You're in luck most shark's around America do not attack

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great white sharks loves blood because it can smell it from 1mile away that's why fisherman cut a fish so it can bait the shark

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The info given about sharks and shark attacks are entertaining to teens because it is violant and it gives a great insite to the everyday risks Slasher films = entertainment Slasher films = blood Sharks = blood Therefore sharks = entertainment

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There are about 200 sharks in the world

How fall shark could smell?

Sharks can smell blood from about a mile away.

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they can't really see in the water. But think of it like this , let's say if you were blind folded and you were pretending that you were a shark. and you sat a plate of pizza on the table you can smell that pizza like a shark can smell blood.

Does the whale shark have enemies?

Orcas. Once, a shark was drawn by the smell of blood to a dead seal. The seal had been killed by an orca. When the orca saw the shark, it attacked it. It caught the shark in its jaws, and within seconds the shark was dead. Soon after the incident, all sharks in the surrounding area disappeared! However, sharks and orcas usually avoid each other.

If you kill the shark what are the consequences?

there is more blood and that means more sharks since sharks are attrated to blood so the best tip is to don't kill a shark until it trys to kill you and if it does kill it but if there are other sharks just try to dodge it with as little movement as possible as sharks can sense any movement