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Vehicle in front of you

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āˆ™ 10y ago
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āˆ™ 4y ago

The car in front of me

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Q: Do not exceed the speed limit or drive slower than the?
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Do not exceed the speed limit or drive slower than minimum speed limit or the vehicle behind you or the vehicle to your left or the vehicle in front of you.?

Do not exceed the speed limit is correct

Do not exceed the speed limit or drive slower that the?

Speed limit? I'm not quite sure what you are asking, but it sounds like those should be the words at the end of that sentence. Hope that answered it, and if not, sorry I couldn't help :)

Is it ever legal to exceed the speed limit?

In general the answer is, technically, no, you may not. However if you are passing a slower moving vehicle it would be considered 'lawful' to exceed the limit to pass the slower moving vehicle and then immediately return to the posted limit once it was passed.

When may emergency response vehicles with emergency lighting exceed the speed limit?

They are allowed to exceed the speed limit when Lights and siren are all on.

What is the meaning of the expression you drive like a granny?

To drive like a granny means a person drives slow, perhaps slower than the speed limit, overcautiosly, slower than the rate of traffic.

When are vehicles responding to a red ball incident able to exceed the speed limit?

They are not allowed to exceed speed limits

What is a sentence using the word exceed?

The law states that you cannot exceed the posted speed limit.

What is a good sentence for the word exceed?

Why did he exceed the speed limit? Now he has a hefty fine to pay.

What is the first major step in passing a vehicle?

According to me If the car ahead of you is going slower than the speed limit on a 2 lane road is it ok to exceed the speed limit in order to get around that vehicle. Regards A Complete Trucking Solution or decide if the pass is necessary

When you passing another car you are allow to exceed the speed limit of 10 miles?

No. You're still bound by the speed limit.

What is the difference between a basic speed law and a minimum speed limit and an advisory speed limit?

Fixed speed limit:Is a maximum or minimum speed that a vehicle may be driven on a particular roadway. fixed speed limits do no change and should never drive over the maximum speed limit.Does not allow to change speed limit.Advisory speed limit: advises drivers to interrupt their normal speed for a limited time. EX.: a warning sign is usually posted before a sharp cure in the road or before an exit ramp so you are prepared.Does allow you to change your speed limit, but only if advised by a government sign.

Can you exceed the speed limit only when passing a vehicle on a two lane way?

If they are doing the speed limit, there should be no reason to pass them. If you are exceeding the speed limit to pass someone, you could get a ticket particularly if they are exceeding the speed limit.