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Yes it does. Coconut water is a nutrient rich drink and it has been used to regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, and it has been found to boost energy levels and increase metabolism in the human body.

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4d ago

There is limited research on the direct effect of coconut water on cholesterol levels. Coconut water is low in fat and cholesterol and contains potassium and antioxidants, which may have some cardiovascular benefits. However, if you have concerns about your cholesterol levels, it is best to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

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Is it bad to masturabe with saliva?

Masturbating with saliva is not inherently bad, but it is important to keep in mind that saliva can contain bacteria, which may increase the risk of infection. It's generally recommended to use lubricants specifically designed for sexual activity to reduce the risk of irritation or infection.

How do you increase life expectancy?

You can increase life expectancy by adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, managing stress, and getting regular health check-ups. Additionally, maintaining strong social connections and having a positive outlook on life can also contribute to a longer lifespan.

What are the bad nutrients and what are the good?

Bad nutrients include trans fats, added sugars, and excessive sodium, which can be harmful to health when consumed in large amounts. Good nutrients include vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats, which are essential for overall well-being and optimal body function when consumed in appropriate amounts. Choosing whole, minimally processed foods can help ensure a balance of good nutrients in your diet.

Is elderly a bad word?

No, "elderly" is not a bad word. It is a common term to describe older people in a respectful and non-discriminatory way.

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Air pollution can have various harmful effects on people, including respiratory issues like asthma and bronchitis, cardiovascular diseases, and even lung cancer. Long-term exposure to polluted air can lead to a decline in lung function, exacerbate existing health conditions, and increase the risk of premature death. Children, the elderly, and individuals with underlying health conditions are particularly vulnerable to the health impacts of air pollution.

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Why are trans-fats so bad?

Trans (partially hydrogenated) fats can increase unhealthy cholesterol and lower healthy cholesterol. This can increase your risk of heart disease. See also:More informationEating healthily

Is coconut oil good for hair?

The previous answer that coconut oil is bad for you is a bad answer. Stidies are proving that coconut oil is actually good for you you in several ways. Unlike some other oils, coconut oil helps your HDL (good cholesterol) vs LDL (bad cholesterol). Plus, more scientific evidence is mounting on how coconut oil can actually delay the onset of alzheimers

What fats that can increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood?

Saturated Fats

What are fats that can increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood?

Saturated Fats

Does coconut have cholesterol?

Research has shown that it has a positive effect on cholesterol. In one case study, for example, blood cholesterol levels of HDL (good) cholesterol increased by 46.2percent.*The researchers indicated that liver cholesterol levels were reduced by 26.3percent and risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) decreased by 41.1 percent. Their conclusion was that coconut water is a natural, nutritious drink that could help prevent the formation of atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol has a bad reputation because it may?

According to, LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol is known as bad cholesterol because it can build up on the walls of your arteries and increase your chances of getting cardiovascular disease.

Does safflower increase your cholesterol?

First of all, there is good cholesterol and not as good cholesterol. What people generally call cholesterol refers to the low density cholesterol that comes from animal fats. The 'good' cholesterol comes mostly from plants and is considered high density. Since safflower comes from a plant source, it is in the good category, so it does not increase your bad cholesterol.

Does stress increase the liver production of cholesterol?

Yes, its true up to some extend because some people have the habit of over eating when they are in stress or anger, so this habit can increase their weight and also the cholesterol figures.

Where to buy organic coconut oil?

Coconut Oil is high in natural saturated fats. Saturated fats not only increase the healthy cholesterol (known as HDL ) in your body but also help to convert the LDL "bad" cholesterol into good cholesterols. By Increasing the HDL's in the body, it helps promote heart health and lower the risk of heart disease.

Why is transfat bad?

trans fats increase levels of LDL cholesterol (Low density lipids so-called bad cholesterol), trans fats also lower levels of HDL cholesterol (High density lipids i.e.good cholesterol);thus increasing the risk of coronary heart disease.

How do fatty foods affect health?

Fatty foods such as fried foods, high fat desserts, junk food contains more of fat which are bad for health. They tend to increase your weight, increases your total cholesterol level and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in your body. And increased cholesterol level will increase the risk of getting heart diseases, diabetes and other diseases too.