

Do all volcanoes have diamonds

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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No volcano produces diamonds.

Diamonds are erupted to the surface of the earth through volcanic pipes, which look like upside-down volcanoes. These pipes erupt indicator minerals, some of which include diamonds.

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8y ago
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8y ago

Diamonds are not found in volcanoes. Diamonds are erupted to the earth's surface through volcanic pipes.

Volcanoes are formed with cones well above the earth's surface. Volcanic pipes are shaped in the inverse, with the top of the pipe being its largest area -- at the surface -- and the cone focused deep within the earth's mantle where diamonds are formed.

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13y ago

Diamonds, which are formed deep within the earth's mantle, are forced to the earth's surface through volcanic pipes, which are a special kind of volcano.

According to Wikipedia, "Volcanic pipes are relatively rare."

You can read more about them, below.

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8y ago

Diamonds are erupted to the earth's surface through volcanic pipes. These are flat at the earth's surface, with a cone originating deep underground.

Volcanoes with cones of elevation that rise above the surface do not contain diamonds.

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9y ago

No. Diamonds form deep underground under immense heat and pressure. They are then carried to the surface by volcanic activity.

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10y ago

No. Diamonds are formed by pressure deep within the earth. However, many diamonds are brought to the surface by volcanic activity.

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13y ago

Diamonds are formed from carbon deep within the earth's mantle. In order for the stones to be brought to the surface, a volcanic pipe must erupt.

Read more about volcanic pipes, below.

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12y ago

Diamonds are produced by Mother Nature deep within the earth's mantel.

Volcanoes simply transport the diamonds to the surface by way of volcanic pipes.

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Q: Do all volcanoes have diamonds
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The benefits of volcanoes are fertile land,obsidian,and diamonds and other jewels!

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There isn't an even distribution of mineral throughout the world because (for example), diamonds are found near volcanoes, so diamonds wouldn't be found in a place with no volcanoes. Hope this helps:)

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No. Diamonds are formed deep within the earth's mantel -- under enormous pressure and intense, high heat, then erupted to the surface by volcanic pipes.

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Not necessarily. Shield volcanoes are volcanoes, but not all volcanoes are shield volcanoes.

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It affects the land by creating new rocks and plants such as basalt and diamonds.

Can diamond form inside a volcano?

No. As the pressure at the relatively shallow depths where volcanoes occur is not high enough to form diamonds. However it is true that volcanic eruptions can cause diamonds to be erupted onto the surface but these diamonds were already formed at much greater depth.

What are diamonds make of?

All diamonds are formed from carbon.

How are diamonds extracted from Kimberlite?

Diamonds ascend to the Earth's surface in rare molten rock, or magma that originates at great depths. Carrying diamonds and other samples from Earth's mantle, this magma rises and erupts in small but violent volcanoes. Just beneath such volcanoes is a carrot-shaped "pipe" filled with volcanic rock, mantle fragments, and some embedded diamonds. The rock is called kimberlite after the city of Kimberley, South Africa, where the pipes were first discovered in the 1870s. Another rock that provides diamonds is lamproite. The extraction process can take place at the mine site, where the excavated material is washed and tumbled. Because diamond is heaviest of all the materials mined, it falls to the bottom and is otherwise sorted from the mined materials.