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Q: Do UV lights prevent mildew in home central air conditioners?
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Related questions

How can you prevent mildew?

The easiest way to prevent mildew is to keep your things stored in dry areas, but id that doesn't work hardware stores have sprays that will help prevent mildew

Which of the following helps prevent mold and mildew in a bathroom without windows is it a fan a cedar chipor a air freshene?

Cedar chip is used to prevent mold and mildew in a bathroom without windows.

What is the best way to prevent mildew on outdoor dining chairs?

The best way to prevent mildew on outdoor dining chairs is to clean your chairs regularly with mild detergent and warm water. You can clean them with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of laundry detergent to 1 gallon of warm water.

What is mildew?


What is a dehumidifier used for?

To remove moisture from the air, widely used in damp places like basements to prevent the growth or mold and mildew

What are the Economic importance of cerium?

helps with mildew helps with mildew helps with mildew

What non-harmful substance can be used to clean air conditioners?

White vinegar is a common non-harmful substance that can be used to clean air conditioners. Mix it with water in equal parts and use this solution to clean the coils, fins, and other components of the air conditioner. It is effective in removing dirt, grime, and mildew without causing damage to the unit.

What is a sentence for mildew?

That white stuff is mildew.

Is there white mildew?

In a sense. Mildew is a fungus and there is a white fungus that is more of a web structure than black mildew so I suppose you could call it mildew.

Is mildew living or non living?

Mildew is a Fungi which is not a plant or animal. But however it is a living plant disease.So yes Mildew is a living thing :)

What is the phylum of mildew?

Mildew is a type of fungus that is found on plants and inorganic material such as clothing, wood and paper. The phylum of mildew is Ascomycota.

Can mildew be removed from photographs?

no mildew can not be removed from photographs.