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Credits to the rightful owner: Food chains follow a single path as animals eat each other. Ecological Pyramids are graphical representation of the trophic structure of ecosystem. Plants feed herbivores feed carnivores. (c) (c) To the writer. Credited answer. CREDITS!

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Q: Distinguish ecological pyramids from food webs and food chains?
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Why do ecologists use food chains and food webs?

Ecological Pyramids.

What are three ecological pyramids?

it when the food web and food chain

Why are food chain and food web necessary to ecosystem?

food chains and food webs are necessary as they maintain the ecological balance

What do the three types of ecological pyramids illustrate?

Pyramids of energy show the relative amount of energy available at each trophic level of a food chain or food web. (:

How are food chains and energy pyramids alike?

I'm not sure, I have this for homework this week though XD

Write a short note on Ecological Pyramids of environmental studies?

The concept is often associated with descriptions of food chains and food webs (Food Chains and Food Webs in an Ecosystem, Food Chain and Food Web Book Reviews). An ecological pyramid is an illustration of the reduction in energy as you move through each feeding (trophic) level in an ecosystem. The base of the pyramid is large since the ecosystem's energy factories (the producers) are converting solar energy into chemical energy via photosynthesis. A food chain can also depict a reduction in energy at each feeding level if the arrows, drawn between the different levels, continue to be reduced in size.

How are food chains food webs and food pyramids similar?

They show mainly the same info: how energy flows through predation. Food chains show a specific path in which energy flows, food webs show many different variations of paths, with many different species involved, while food pyramids show the same thing as a food chain, but in a pyramid box.

Desert food web?

a food web is a series of organisms related by predator-prey and consumer resource interactions; the entirety of interrelated food chains in an ecological community.

Do ecological pyramids show the relative amount of energy or matter contained within each trophic level in a given food web?


What are food chains that overlap?

food chains that overlap I think are called overlapping food chains. Food chains that overlap are called overlapping food chains.

Is it true or false that ecological pyramids show the relative amount of energy or matter contained within each trophic level in a give food web?

Yes, true

What is several food chains combined that make up a community?

Several food chains combined is known as a food web, and this is a prominent feature in an ecosystem as it shows the relationship between different animals and it shows how all the species exist in their community.