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The cause of death was acute propofol intoxication from an IV solution, not sleeping pills.

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Q: Did the sleeping pills kill Michael Jackson?
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How did Sara Teasdale kill herself?

She killed her self in her bathtub by overdosing on sleeping pills

Why did Michael Jackson kill him self with drugs?

All people have to die, but when someone passes away who has had such an amazing and wide-reaching impact as Michael jackson, the pain is felt a bit more. But Michael Jackson died at 25 June 2009.

Who paid conrad Murray to kill Michael Jackson?

The city did paid for the public memorial security cost, AEG contributed, as well as the family, and the family took care of the private funeral cost.

How did Michael Jackson's dad abuse him?

His dad would always use Michael as the example: "do it like Michael watch Michael when they were practising his dad would sit there on a chair with a belt and if u made a step wrong....expect the belt, but if he didn't have a belt he'd use a iron cord a pole or if not then he would throw you up against the wall, his mum saw it and said STOP IT JOE YOUR GONNA KILL HIM, YOUR GONNA KILL HIM !!!!=sad isn't it??=

Did Michael Jackson get along with all of his siblings?

There were some problems with Jermaine and LaToya. Jermaine was jealous of Michael's success so he wrote a song called Word to the Bad which basically slammed Michael, he also helped write book again slamming Michael, but it has never been published. LaToya who was in an abusive marriage made a statement saying she couldn't stay silent about Michael's crimes against children, her husband made her do it by threatening her, Michael and Janet, LaToya thought he would kill her, Randy helped her leave him and Michael forgave her.

Related questions

How did Sara Teasdale kill herself?

She killed her self in her bathtub by overdosing on sleeping pills

How did Carson Mccullers husband kill himself?

He overdosed on sleeping pills in a Paris hotel in 1953.

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Did Michael Jackson's chimp kill anyone?

yes he did

Is sleeping pills and alegra and methadone ok to take per doctor?

No. No sleeping pills should be taken while on methadone. Ask your doc for something to help you sleep. I used to be on it and they prescriped everybody seroquel. Its not a sleeping pill but its side affect is sleeping. because you cant mix the two. It can kill you. I took a lot of things while i was on methadone but i never once messed with the sleeping pills

How did Sibylle Schmitz try to kill herself?

She did kill herself due to overdosing on sleeping pills. Her doctor may be the blame for improper medical treatment.

Was Micheal Jackson actually an alien cyborg on a mission to kill Obama?

No. But that was slightly funny when Michael Jackson was still alive.

What did nurses gain after the Vietnam war?

the right to kill people like they did to Michael Jackson.

Did Michael Jackson deserves to die?

I say that no one desires to die. Michael Jackson is one person that didn't desire to die. Besides who would want to kill the KING OF POP!

Which Jackson sibiling over dosed?

Michael Jackson was the one that overdosed and died. But the doctor was the one that gave him the drugs when he knew it would kill Michael, so Michael didn't overdose, the doctor did. It was a homicide, but Murray (doctor) was never put in jail.

Did the boy that acussed Michael Jackson of sex kill himself?

No, the dad of the first boy who accused Michael killed himself, he was apparently terminally ill.

How many sleeping pills will kill you an how long?

That isn't really confirmed since people who have taken too many pills and died cant tell you how long it took them to die and science doesn't do those type of tests on people.