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Plasmids are often used as expression vectors in biotechnology. Plasmids are small, circular or linear pieces of DNA containing non-essential genes that are found in all life, although much more common in prokaryotes, especially bacteria. These genes confer abilities such as metabolizing a previously unusable compound, building an amino acid previously unbuildable, or even antibiotic resistance. Plasmids are used in research to induce the expression of a gene usually not found in the given organism. For example, you can construct a plasmid with a bacterial promoter connected to the gene for a human protein through a process called 'cloning'. The plasmid with the human gene can then be introduced into bacteria by transforming a competent gram-negative with the plasmid. Usually the plasmid also has an antibiotic resistance gene in addition to the target gene. This antibiotic resistance can be used to select for bacteria containing the plasmid. For example, the most common resistance gene is ampicillin resistance gene. If you grow the transformed bacteria in a culture containing ampicillin, only bacteria containing the antibiotic resistance, and therefore containing the plasmid, can survive. This will ensure that what you have is a pure culture of bacteria containing the plasmid. After selection, these bacteria can be cultured in suitable media to increase their numbers to a point that their production of the human protein becomes appreciable. Then these bacteria are usually lysed (killed) to extract the protein. Sometimes, however, these bacteria can also be made to secrete the protein into the medium.

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Q: Describe the use of plasmids as vectors in biotechnology?
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What is role of biotechnology in health sciences?

Biotechnology is the use of microbes for industrial purposes.

Use biotechnology in a sentence?

Indeed, the rate of growth of biotechnology in agriculture has been dramatic.

How are plasmids used in biotechnology?

A plasmid is a circular, double-stranded DNA molecule, extrachromosomal genetic material from bacteria that usually confers some advantages to the host organism such as resistance to antibiotics, productions of colicins, etc. One important characteristic is that plasmids can replicate independently of the bacterial chromosome and therefore this aspect is extremely important to use it as tool in recombinant DNA technology. Moreover, plasmids can be cut, opening their ring configuration and inserting new genetic sequences or genes to move them from one organism to another or to obtain a particular protein through their expression in the genetically modified organism.

What year was biotechnology discovered?

The field of biotechnology was first discovered in the late 19th century. The foundation of biotechnology was the discovery of enzymes which are proteins that are used to speed up chemical reactions. The two main branches of biotechnology are: Modern biotechnology which focuses on the use of tools such as genetic engineering and recombinant DNA. Traditional biotechnology which focuses on the use of naturally occurring microorganisms to create products such as beer and cheese.The discovery of biotechnology has revolutionized the sciences and has been used in many industries such as food pharmaceuticals and energy. The first patent for biotechnology was granted in 1978 which is often cited as the year biotechnology was discovered.

What are the different techniques use in biotechnology?

recombinant dna

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