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Q: Certain gene mutations can cause genetic disorders However the same gene can also have a positive effect The genetic mutation that led to sickle cell anemia can also give its carriers protection fro?
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Mutations in mitochondrial genes often cause disorders that affect cells?

the mitochondrial mutations effect to those cells which have maternal inherritance character and the mutation is called poky mutation

DNA mutations can lead to genetic disorders diseases or even the death of an organism Which of the following factors is most likely to cause a mutation in DNA?

DNA mutations can lead to genetic disorders, diseases, or even the death of an organism. Which of the following factors is most likely to cause a mutation in DNA?

The genetic mutation that led to sickle cell anemia can also give its carriers protection from which diseases?


What are mutations that occur at a single point?

Such mutations are called point mutation or gene mutation.

What are the changes in DNA sequences that affect genetic information known as?


The genetic mutation that led to sickle cell anemia can also give its carriers protection from which what diseases?


Changes in DNA are called mutations?

the answer is mutations.......................

Mistakes in the DNA are called?

for Plato it isn't A or B the answer is D

Mutation is any change in a gene or chromosome?


How would a protein be changed if a mutation caused a base to be added?

A mutation in which an extra nitrogen base is added is called a frameshift mutation. The rest of the sequence after the mutation will code for different amino acids, which will result in the alteration of the protein. Frameshift mutations cause severe genetic disorders.

What is the natural causes of mutations?

1.)Mutations can be inherited. This means if a parent has a mutation in his/her DNA, then the mutation is passed on to the child.2.)Mutations can be acquired. This happens when a mistake accurs when a cell copies its DNA.3.)Mutations can occur by a hidden gene. This happens when your ancestor(for example, "grandma") has the mutation and that mutation is passed on to every other girl(for example), then the girl will get the mutation.

How do genetic disorders occur in humans?

Genetic disorders can be caused by a mutation in one gene (monogenic disorder), by mutations in multiple genes (multifactorial inheritance disorder), by a combination of gene mutations and environmental factors, or by damage to chromosomes (changes in the number or structure of entire chromosomes.