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It is never a good idea to take medicine for constipation with a medicine that will make you sleepy. Think about it.

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Q: Can you take Duloxotene and Dothiepin liquid together?
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liquid take shape of the container because the liquid particles stay together but they still more around. solid does not take the shape of the container, because solid is solid. The molecules cannot form the of the container because the molecules a very near each other.Only liquid can take the shape of the container. Thank you.

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It is the take up of a gas by a solid or liquid or the take up of a liquid by a solid.

Does it take heat to turn a liquid to a gas?

yes just like it takes heat to turn a solid into a liquid Yes. The more heat the faster movement of parts of mass (solid or liquid or gas). Power of fast movement than overcomes power keeping the thing together.</

What does liquid mean in science?

Liquid is take the shape of container

What is definite about a liquid?

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What does liquid take the shape of?

Liquids take the shape of their container.