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Don't do it. I tried this once and instead of getting drunk, I felt sick to my stomach and felt like I was dying for the next 3 hours. I had never in my life experienced so much pain. Also, I was sh**ting out the lining of my intestines, and bled from there for months after. It was the dumbest thing I've ever done and I will NEVER do it again.

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Q: Can you put alcohol in your anus?
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What are the effect of spraying rubbing alcohol around the anus?

Your anus will sting and the alcohol will get absorbed into your blood just like when you drink alcohol...but you'll be fine after a day or two. It is very effective when you have an itchy anus.

Is it safe to put menthol in the anus?

It is not safe to put menthol in the anus.

What happens if you put a 10mg Vicodin in your butt as opposed to mouth?

If you put any drug or alcohol in your anus it will have a much greater effect. Your anus absorbs chemicals quickly and effects are greater because it bypasses all your natural filters. This being said you can't take as much as you would orally risking overdose. If you put on shot of liquor in anus you will get super drunk but even 2 or 3 shots could give you alcohol poisoning. So even if you take 60mg orally just 10mg anal would have a greater effect. 60mg anal could kill you. Not to mention this is dangerous anyway risking death. Your anus is sensitive and a small rip can kill you

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Is it okay to put oatmeal in your anus?

No. it is not.

Can you put clothes in your anus?

Yes, you can put clothes in your bum.

Will you pass a breathalyzer if an alcohol soaked tampon is inserted into your butt?

No, having a tampon inserted anally won't magically stop the breathalyzer from working.A tampon soaked with alcohol has no place in your anus, in fact tampons shouldn't go in your anus full-stop. Obviously putting a tampon up there is a waste of a tampon and a waste of the alcohol.

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Can the alcohol put in rubbing alcohol be put in beverages?


What is the best way to insert a tampon in the anus?

is there a special way to put a tampon in my anus

What are the processes for enlarging your anus?

All you gotta do is just keep on licking the girls anus and then put ur penis in there..

Im 5'2 and weigh 155 how long will alcohol stay in my body female?

until the anus lets it out