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Q: Can you practice french kissing your pillow?
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What can you practice french kissing on?

a watermelon

You havent had your first kiss yet and your crush asked you out what are some good ways to practice kissing other than practicing with friends?

kiss a pillow you could kiss a pillow, or use your hand. or practice in the mirror.. but kissing is not hard at all.. its fun to kiss

How do you practice french kissing'?

To be brutally honest with you, you cannot practice an art. You just need to feel it. When your kissing the one you love a lot, then you'll start swapping spit. That's usual. Eventually you'll pull back a bit and voila! French kissing. Because it'd be awkward to french kiss anyone but the one you love, DON'T practice it on ANYONE OR ANYTHING!

What is featured in a french kiss video?

French kissing would be featured in a french kiss video. There are tons of videos on youtube that teach the art of french kissing, or one could always practice on their hand.

Why is French kissing called French kissing?

because it is french kissing.

What can you do to get good at kissing?


French kissing tips?

be french and then drown them whilst kissing

What is it called when a guy sticks his tongue in your mouth when kissing?

It is called French kissing.

Is wet French kissing considered an unsafe sexual practice with a high risk of spreading HIV?

There is virtually no chance of getting HIV through French kissing. While one can't say it's impossible, there are currently no documented cases.

Do your tongues touch to each other's tongues while kissing?

They don't have to but they can. Kissing with tongues touching is referred to as French kissing.

Why french people like kissing?

they mad eup "french kissing" what do ya think!?

How do you make out with a pillow?

You do not make out with a pillow.. you make out with people.. However! you can put a bra around a pillow and practice that little trick