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we do not massage site after IM injection because it may cause underlying tissue damage

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Q: Can you massage an IM injection site after administration?
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Can you massage the site after giving a tt injection im?

no we should not rub

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On the injection site? Sorry im confused.

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Is the bicep a common injection site for IM in dogs?

No, this would be a relatively uncommon site for an intramuscular injection in most animal species.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of intramuscular injection?

The advantages of the deltoid intramuscular injection is that as said before is easy accessible and patients are generally a lot more comfortable with exposing their arms as opposed to another body area. Disadvantages to this site are the size of the muscle mass is small in relation to other IM injection sites.

Injection site for newborn vitamin k?

Vastus Lateralis, IM

Site of gluteus maximus for giving IM injection?

The gluteus maximus muscle is located in the buttocks and is a common site for intramuscular (IM) injections. To administer an IM injection in the gluteus maximus, locate the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks and aim for the center of that area. It is important to ensure proper needle insertion depth and angle to avoid injury to underlying structures.

What is route of administration of swine flu vaccine?

If injected it is given in the muscle as an intramuscular injection. It can also be taken as a nasal mist that is sniffed.

Why would you administer one injection type or the other on a cow?

If by injection types you are referring to IM, SQ, IV etc. the reason can be to prolong the action of the drug, decrease the possibility of an injection site reaction, or in some instances a systemic reaction or even anaphylactic shock.

Are hamstrings muscles a common site for giving im injections to a dog?

No, the hamstrings are not a common site for giving intramuscular injections to dogs. Common sites for IM injections in dogs include the muscles of the neck, quadriceps, and lumbar region.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of injection?

The advantages of the deltoid intramuscular injection is that as said before is easy accessible and patients are generally a lot more comfortable with exposing their arms as opposed to another body area. Disadvantages to this site are the size of the muscle mass is small in relation to other IM injection sites.

What is the medical term meaning medication placed directly within the muscle?

Intramuscular injection involves placing the medication directly into the belly of a muscle.