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No. You should avoid sun exposure while on any antibiotic as is highly increases the risk of sunburn. Make sure you use 30-50 SPF sunscreen.

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Q: Can you be in the sun for long time when taking amoxicillin?
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Can I tan while I'm taking Amoxicillin Antibiotic?

can you use a sun bed whilst taling amoxicillin NO !!

Can you sunbath while taking amoxicillin?

i was told to stay out of the sun

On amoxicillin are you sensitive to sun?

Actually, amoxicillin does not increase sun sensitivity. It is tetracyclines that do. Here is a link to WebMD about this.

Can you go in the sun while on amoxicillin?

Opinion only:Augmentin warnings: If you are allergic to penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics, check with your physician. People with cystic fibrosis; asthma; hives; diabetes; kidney or liver disease and hay fever are more prone to side effects. Stop taking Augmentin if you experience reactions such as rash, fever, itching, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, and or sores on the genitals. There is no mention of adverse effects from taking the sun while on Augmentin.

How long do Planets sun?

planets sun very long time

Why does sun never run out of heat energy?

"Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel."Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel."Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel."Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel.

How long does it take to get to the sun from earth?

it take long time

Did sun burst any time?

no, and it won't for a long time

How long after taking doxycycline should you wait before going in the sun?

can you use a sunbed while taking doxycyline

How long does the sun sleep for?

If you mean how long it is night time and/or a sun-less sky, then about 8-9 hours

How long does in take Pluto to orbit around the sun?

A long time.

How long would it take for the sun to burnout?

a realy long time