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It is not recommended because by storing it in a glass, the pressure can't build up in the container and it will explode. A way to keep it from exploding is putting it in plastic (so the pressure can build up if it needs to) opaque (so the energy in the form of light doesn't get into the bottle) bottles.

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Q: Can we store hydrogen peroxide in glass bottle?
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Were to buy hydrogen peroxide in dayton oh?

You can purchase a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (for around $1-$1.50) in just about any drug store (Walgreens, Thrifty, etc.) or 99-cent store in your town. Also, of course, at Wal-Mart, Target, and other large discount stores.

How long can you store hydrogen peroxide?

2 years?

What is hydrogen peroxide state of matter?

Liquid You can buy it at the store to clean your infected cuts for $.62 a bottle.

Can you use peroxide in a sentence?

u could say "I got a bottle of peroxide from the store to bleach my hair."

Is it easy or difficult to find hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is very easy to find in a pharmacy, drug store or large grocers.

10 hydrogen peroxide where to buy?

You can buy hydrogen peroxide from most drugstores, pharmacies, or online retailers. Look for it in the first aid section or ask a pharmacist for help locating it. Make sure to choose the correct concentration for your intended use.

Where can you buy 20 volume hydrogen peroxide?

20 volume peroxide comes from a beauty supply store. Try Sally's.

Can you use hydrogen peroxide to dye hair?

Get the peroxide bottle and put the contents of it into a spray bottle. DONT MIX THE PEROXIDE WITH WATER OR LEMON JUICE IT WILL MISS UP THE STRENGTH OF THE PEROXIDE. Spray the peroxide on your hair. Let it dry. You can also go under the blow dryer and it will change colors.**If you go into the sun it will get lighter immediately**

Food grade hydrogen peroxide?

It exists. Check out a health-food or bodybuilding store.

Where in Liverpool can you buy hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (in the US, the proper medical concentration) is not a controlled substance and should be available from any drug store/chemist, for very little money. The formula is H2O2. Note that industrial concentrations are dangerous -- no more than 3% H2O2 to H2O.

Why care must be taken to store hydrogen paraoxide in laboratery?

Hydrogen peroxide is a gas that will evaporate if proper care isn't taken.

Where can you get hydrogen peroxide?

Pretty much any drug store will sell it, as it is used for cleaning wounds. However, drug store hydrogen peroxide is full of stabalizers an is for external use. You may need 'Food Grade' hydrogen peroxide although even that can be a minefield as even some Food grades contain potentially toxic stablizers. The only online company I know that sells 'Asceptic Food Grade' hydrogen peroxide yu can find via the link below.