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No. it makes no difference at all. however it may help in the case of cramps if it contains quinine. A quinine based product is used however in the case of a disease modifying drug that is used to treat RA.

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It seems very unlikely as there are no purines in tonic water and that is what generally starts it of.

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tonic water can cause an increase in uric acid.

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Q: Can tonic water cause gout
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Can tonic water cause hematuria?

Tonic water contains quinine, which can cause hematuria in some individuals due to its potential kidney-damaging effects. If you experience blood in your urine after consuming tonic water, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance.

What does freezing do to tonic water?

Freezing tonic water can cause it to expand and potentially burst the container due to the carbonation. The taste and carbonation of the tonic water may also be affected, resulting in a flat and less refreshing beverage. It is not recommended to freeze tonic water.

Can quinine water or tonic water cause headaches?

I have stopped drinking alcohol for over 20 months (wasn't a regular drinker previously) but I have to go into pubs for meals, etc.. So for the last 20 months I drink tonic water with my pub meal. However, I find that EVERY time I drink 2 or more tonic waters I get a headache akin to a hangover (main reason I stopped alcohol) the next day. I definitely think there is a connection as it happens EVERY time and I would like an explanation.

Can tonic water cause breathing difficulties?

Yes.Tonic water contains quinine, to which some people are allergic.

What makes tonic water glow?

The ingredient in tonic water that makes it taste like tonic water - quinine - is the cause. Because of its molecular structure, it will fluoresce blue in sunlight and positively glow under a black light.

Can you buy tonic water in Russia?

Yes, Tonic water is available in Russia. Tonic water is available in a large percentage of countries.

Does thiamin cause gout?

It does not so much cause gout as interfere with the body's ability to deal with it.

Does gout cause sore feet?

Gout is a type of arthritis and is known to cause sore feet.

What foods flare up gout?

rich food gout years ago was what only people with money had alcohol is the cause of most gout

Is there potassium in tonic water?

Yes, tonic water can contain potassium. The amount can vary depending on the brand and ingredients used in the tonic water.

Canhyaluronic acid cause gout?

No gout is caused by uric acid.