No, hemp seed is a highly nutritious source of protein and essential fatty oils, Many populations have grown hemp for its seed -- most of them eat it as `gruel' which is a lot like oatmeal. Hemp seed protein closely resembles protein as it is found in the human blood . It is fantastically easy to digest, and many patients who have trouble digesting food are given hemp seed by their doctors. Hemp seed was once called `edestine' and was used by scientists as the model for vegetable protein. Hemp seed oil provides the human body with essential fatty acids. Hemp seed is the only seed which contains these oils with almost no saturated fat. As a supplement to the diet, these oils can reduce the risk of Heart disease. It is because of these oils that birds will live much longer if they eat hemp seed. With hemp seed, a vegan or vegetariancan survive and eat virtually no saturated fats. One handful of hemp seed per day will supply adequate protein and essential oils for an adult.
the seeds and stems if you leave them in they make you cough and give you a nasty headache
no but i dont think its smart to smoke it during your period or ever anyway
It doesn't. It's a myth, just like chanting bloody Mary into a mirror three times. It won't do anything to you.
Smoking marijuana makes you swallow, happy as high and hungry :'D
They never will. Smoking marijuana is illegal, and they aren't going to make a holiday for it.
It will make you fee low
Yes, and also cry.
Why are you asking this? Do you smoke marijuana?
Smoking marijuana can increase your metabolic rate, which will make you feel hotter than usual.
No, I think all smoking ages you faster, cigarettes and marijuana. Sources: Experience