Not alcohol, no. It depends where you are. In Scotland: The law on what age a person can drink alcohol is complicated. Before the age of 18, you are not allowed to buy alcohol in pubs or shops, or drink alcohol in pubs. It is also unlawful for anyone else to buy alcohol for a person aged under 18 to consume in a pub. If you are aged 16 or 17 you are entitled to drink wine, cider or beer to accompany a meal in a hotel or restaurant. Any child over the age of five can drink alcohol at home or on other private premises. It is an offence to give alcohol to a child under 5, even in her/his own home. Source:
The laws vary from state to state. In Virginia, for example, you can be just 16 years old and work in a liquor store or transport alcohol, you must be 18 to serve alcohol in a restaurant and 21 for all other employment involving alcohol. You must be 21 to imbibe, as in all states.
No, you cannot drink alcohol in a restaurant with a parent in NSW with the persons who are under the age of 18.
in Idaho you can bartend at 19 in Oregon you can at 18 but you usaly have to get a lineces like the food handlers card
You must be at LEAST 18 !
As far as I know you must be nineteen!
If your under 18 you can go and drink alcohol but remember to bring ID..
none at all as under 18 cannot legally consume alcohol
The minimum legal age at which you can purchase alcoholic drinks is 18. You can drink alcohol with a meal in a restaurant at 14 and you can drink it at any age, at home, with your parents' consent.
The absolute minimum is 16 - HOWEVER - in places that sell alcohol you have to be 18 !
The legal drinking age in Tenerife, Spain is 18 years old. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to purchase or consume alcohol in Tenerife.
if theyre not 21 whats the diff?
Tobacco, lottery tickets, firearms, alcohol.
You must be at least 5 years old to be able to drink alcohol at home, supervised by a parent or guardian (it is an offence for a younger child to do so). The youngest you can be to buy it yourself is 16, as a part of a meal in a pub or restaurant. If you want to buy it on its own, you must be 18.