

Best Answer long as their heart and brain are working, they can live. There are plenty of people that are living without arms and legs...

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Q: Can people lose their arms
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Do people who swim lose weight?

Yes by burning all the fat off and working out your arms, legs and stability.

If it's deadly to cut an artery why some people loose their whole arm but stay alive?

because the people who lose their arms get to a hospital in time

Will I lose my ARMS from a DUI?

No you will not unless it was a felony

How many starfish lose arms each day?

they lose at least 2 a day

What learned behaviors do starfish have?

move with there arms and lose arms and spilt in half but they grow back

How do you lose weight playing volleyball?

pumping your arms

Do cartswheels help you lose waight?

It wont help lose weight but i could strengthen your arms =D

How do you loss fat from your arms?

Muscle substitutes fat, lifting weights should help you lose weight from your arms

Why can't people regrow arms?

because our DNA is too complex and we have too many chromosomes as organisms become complexer, they lose their regeneration ability

When you lose body fat where do you lose it from first?

Body shapes are genetic, so you will notice people lose fat differently, a good way to estimate where you would lose weight is to look at your family and where they lose weight from. Generally speaking though, your body will burn fat where it is not needed first - such as breasts. I would expect around the waist would be a slowish place to lose weight as fat helps keep your organs warm. On a personal note I seem to lose weight almost everywhere faster than on my arms - i have chubby arms!

Why is it hard to lose weight from your arms?

If you find it hard to lose weight in your arms, you may not be doing the right exercises. Also be sure to get enough protein and water in your daily diet.

How can you lose fat on your arms and gain muscle?

Well....the first thing you have to do is lose weigh...enough to where you can feel beautiful about yourself. Then once you have loss your ideal weight start working out at the gym. There you go in a matter of time you will have nice arms.