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Chain link 1 is a regular monster activation.

Chain link 2, Evolzar Dolkka detaches a material to try to negate chain link 1.

Chain link 3, Shooting Quasar Dragon activates its quick effect to negate chain link 2.

Chain link 4, Evolzar Dolkka detaches another material to negate chain link 3.

End result,

Chain link 4 resolves. Chain link 3 is negated, Shooting Quasar Dragon is destroyed.

Chain link 3 was negated.

Chain link 2 resolves. Chain link 1 is negated, the original monster is destroyed.

Chain link 1 was negated.

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Q: Can a chain occur in the order of Evolzar Dolkka Shooting Quasar Dragon Evolzar Dolkka in Yu-Gi-Oh?
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What Scrabble words begin q and end with r?

quackier, quaestor, quaggier, quainter, qualmier, quarrier, quartier, quaverer, queasier, queazier, quencher, quibbler, quippier, quipster, quirkier, quiverer quaffer, quakier, quarter, quasher, queerer, queller, querier, quester, questor, quicker, quieter, quilter, quintar, quitter, quittor, quizzer qindar, qintar, quaker, quasar, quaver, queuer, quiver, quoter queer

Key for science a to z puzzle?

Science A to Z PuzzlePossible answers include:A - astronomy, B - biology, C - chemistry, D - diffusion, E - experiment, F - fossil,G - geology, H - heat, I - interference, J - jet stream, K - kinetic, L - latitude, M -motion, N - neutron, O - oxygen, P - physics, Q - quasar, R - respiration, S - solarsystem, T - thermometer, U - ultraviolet rays, V - volcano, W - water, X - x-ray, Y - yttrium,and Z - zoology.

What are some objects that begin with the letter Q?

Some objects that begin with the letter Q are: q-switch Q-tip qat quad quad(fourwheeler) quadrant quadriga quag quagga quagmire quahaug (quahog) quarry quarter quarter note quarters quarto quartz quartz-iodine lamp quartzite quartz light quasar quassia quassin quatrefoil quay quebracho queen Queen Anne's lace queen quench tank quercitron quern quetzal queue. quiche quick bread quick grass quicklime quicksand quickset quicksilver quid quill quillai quilt quince quinine quinoa quintain quipu quire quirt quitch quiver quiz quoit quonset hut qurush.

What is a things that begin with the letter q?

Some things that begin with the letter q are: quadra, quadragene, quadragenarian, quadrat, quadrangle, quadrant, quadrella, quadricentennial, quadricep, quadricorn, quadricycle, quadrifid, quadrilaterla, quadrille, quadrillion, quadriplegic, quadroon, quadruped, quadruplane, quadruplet, quadruplex, quadruply, quadrupole, quaff, quaffer, quag, quagga, quagmire, quahog, quaigh, quail, quaintise, quaintness, quair, quake, quaker, quale, qualification, quality, qualm, quame, quandary, quannet, quantity, quantometer, quantum, quarantine, quark, quarl, quarrel, quarry, quart, quartane, quarter, quarterback, quartet, quartile, quartz, quasar, queen, quenelle, querent, query, quest, question, questioner, quetzal, queue, quiche, quill, quilt, quint, quintessence, quintet, quintuplet, quisling, quirk, quiz, quorum, quota, quotation, quotient

Scrabble words using the letter q?

Qui, quaff, quin, quinol, quirk, quirky, quo, quoin, quor, quy, quack, quackangle, quacked, quackery, quacking, quackish, quacks, quad, quadrate, quadrangle, quadrangles, quadrant, quadrantes, quadrants, quadraphobic, quadrat, quadrates, quadratic, quadratics, quadrats, quadrature, quadratures, quadrel, quadrella, quadrennial, quadric, quadriceps, quadriga, quadrigae, quadrilingual, quadrille, quadrilles, quadrillion, quadrinomial, quadriplegia, quadrisect ion, quadraphonic, quadrumane, quadrupes, quadruples, quadruplet, quadruplets, quadrupling, quadruply, quadrupole, quads, quae, quaffed, quaffer, quaffers, quaffing, quaffs, quag, quagga, quaggier, quaggiest, quaggy, quagmire, quagmires, quags, quahog, Quai d'orsay, quaich, quail, quailed, qualing, quails, quaint, quaintly, quake, quaked, quaker, quakers, quakes, quakier, quakiest, quakily, quaking, quakingly, quaky, quale, qualifiable, qualifiably, qualification, qualifications, qualificatory, qualified, qualifier, qualifiers, qualifies, qualifinal, qualify, qualifying, qualities, quality, qualm, qualmish, qualmishly, qualms, qualmy, quamash, quandaries, quandary, quandong, quango, quangos, quanta, quantal, quantic, quantifiable, quantified, quantifier, quantifiers, quantifies, quantify, quantifying, quantile, quantize, quantized, quantong, quantum, quantums, quarantine, quarantined, quarantines, quare, quark, quarks, quarrels, quarrelling, quarrellingly, quarrible, quarrian, quarried, quarrier, quarries, quarry, quarrying, quarrymen, quarryman, quart, quartan, quarte, quarter, quarterback, quartering, quarterly, quarters, quartersaw, quartic, quartics, quartile, quartiles, quarto, quarts, quasar, quash, quashed, quasher, quatermain, quaternary, quaternion, quaternionic, quatrains, quartrain, quatre, quay, quayle, quays, quayside, quean, queanish, queasily, queasy, quell, quelling, quells, quem, quench, quenching, query, querying, queryingly, quest, questingly, question, questionably, questioning, queuing, quey, queys, quiche, quiches, quibus, quiche, quiches, quick, quicken, quickens, quicker, quickest, quickie, quickies, quicklime, quicklimes, quickly, quicksand, quicksort, quickstep, quicky, quid, quids, quids, quiet, quietly, quiets, quietus, quaff, quiffs, quill, quilled, quilling, quills, quillwort, quilp, quilted, quilter, quilting, quilts, quim, quiacrine, quinary, quinate, quince, quinces, quine, quinidine, quinine, quinines, quinoid, quinoidal, quinol, quinoline, quinone, quinonoid, quips, quintan, quirk, quirkly, quirkily, quist, quit, quorate, quota, quotable, quotas, quoters, quotes, quoth, quotha, quoties, quoting, quotum.

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