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That's up to the lender. However, asking an eighty year old grandparent to co-sign for a car loan may seem predatory and inappropriate to most people (and other family members) since the co-signer is guaranteeing the loan and will be held responsible for paying it off if the primary borrower defaults. There may well be questions of undue influence or that the co-signer was not capable of making an informed decision to take on that degree of responsibility.

That's up to the lender. However, asking an eighty year old grandparent to co-sign for a car loan may seem predatory and inappropriate to most people (and other family members) since the co-signer is guaranteeing the loan and will be held responsible for paying it off if the primary borrower defaults. There may well be questions of undue influence or that the co-signer was not capable of making an informed decision to take on that degree of responsibility.

That's up to the lender. However, asking an eighty year old grandparent to co-sign for a car loan may seem predatory and inappropriate to most people (and other family members) since the co-signer is guaranteeing the loan and will be held responsible for paying it off if the primary borrower defaults. There may well be questions of undue influence or that the co-signer was not capable of making an informed decision to take on that degree of responsibility.

That's up to the lender. However, asking an eighty year old grandparent to co-sign for a car loan may seem predatory and inappropriate to most people (and other family members) since the co-signer is guaranteeing the loan and will be held responsible for paying it off if the primary borrower defaults. There may well be questions of undue influence or that the co-signer was not capable of making an informed decision to take on that degree of responsibility.

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13y ago

That's up to the lender. However, asking an eighty year old grandparent to co-sign for a car loan may seem predatory and inappropriate to most people (and other family members) since the co-signer is guaranteeing the loan and will be held responsible for paying it off if the primary borrower defaults. There may well be questions of undue influence or that the co-signer was not capable of making an informed decision to take on that degree of responsibility.

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Q: Can a 80 year old grandparent be the cosigner for their grandchilds car loan?
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Not possible as the applicant is a minor.

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The cosigner's credit isn't affected one ioto unless the person who was responsible for the loan payments defaulted, then and if the cosigner also defaulted. In other words, just being a cosigner does not affect ones credit ratings.

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AnswerIf you have already been the cosigner on the loan, you will remain so until the loan is refinanced or paid in full. It doesn't matter if the cosigner has lost their job or not. As long as the person is making their payments, the cosigner isn't affected at all.Good luck job hunting cosigner! :)

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The cosigner has the same legal obligations to repay the debt as does the primary borrower. If the primary borrower defaults, the lender can begin proceedings to collect the full amount owed plus applicable fees from the cosigner. A cosigner can be sued just as can the primary borrower. And if the primary borrower claims bankrutpcy, the cosigner will still get "stuck" with the debt. The credit report of the cosigner will be equally affected, either in a positive or negative way, depending upon the circumstances.

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No, minors cannot legally enter into financial agreements.

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The only way for a co-signer to be taken off the loan, would be for the primary borrower to refinance the account.

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Only if they are a joint title holder of the vehicle.

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Only if there is some stipulation in the contract that after a certain amount of the loan has been paid, the cosigner can be relieved of their loan obligation. That will be strictly up to the LENDER and their credit guidelines.

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