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Q: Can Lactobacillus grow on blood agar?
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Did lactobacillus grow on mannitol salt agar?

Yes. M. smegmatis is a gram + bacteria, and MSA plates select for gram + bacteria.

Will p. aeruginosa grow on a blood agar media?


Does pseudomonas aeruginosa grow on blood agar?

Yes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa can grow on blood agar, but it may not show the typical hemolysis patterns like other bacteria. It usually appears as flat, greenish colonies on blood agar plates.

What type of semisolid medium is used to grow bacteria?

Agar is a semi solid medium used to grow bacteria.

What kind of agar should be used to grow bacteria from hands before and after washing for a grade 8 science fair?

blood or nutrient agar would work, but blood agar will most likely grow more bacteria.

How do you isolate lactobacillus from curd?

For Lactobacillus the medium used is MRS medium i.e De Man Rogosa Sharpe agar.

A bacterial species that grows on blood agar but will not grow on trypticase soy agar is termed an anaerobe?


What gram positive cocci fails to grow on blood agar but grows well on chocolate agar?

Haemophilus influenzae

Can you use blood to grow bacteria on petridishes?

Bacteria will grow in blood but no the growing medium in petri dishes should be clear agar.

Why was a blood agar plate used instead of a nutrien agar plate for the hand washing experiment?

because blood agar contain only blood, the culture from the mouth might not grow properly, whereas nutrient agar contain mixture of nutrient and blood, therefore culture from the mouth will properly.

Does Mycobacterium phlei grow on EMB agar?

yes it can be grow in EMB agar.

Were does bacteria grow best?

In intestine normally found bacteria are lactobacillus, Candida albicans, Enterococcus facealis, and E.coli they can be grown on nutrient agar medium or can be grown on differntial media such as mackonckey agar in which E.coli gives mettalic green colour