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Uh, depends...

You probably shouldn't be in high school still, much less middle.

That's really the only thing, I guess, you need to be sure of. If you guys like each other a lot, and you don't mind him touching your breasts, then you have no problem.

But if your still in high school or middle school, I recommend you don't get into that kinda stuff, if you know what I mean. Your still too young.

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11y ago

It depends on what he is touching it with and why.

Eventually a boy will want to touch a girl's vagina with his penis; this is called sexual intercourse and is generally not encouraged unless you are in a relationship (preferably married) and are willing to risk making a baby.

If a boy wants to touch with his hands, he is probably just curious and exploring. This is sometimes called petting and may lead to mutual masturbation. Again; not really encouraged unless you are in a relationship.

If the boy happens to be a doctor; than he may be inspecting you for medical reasons.

But really; don't let strangers touch your vagina. You need to know who they are, why they are doing it and choose to allow it before anyone should be touching it with anything.

If you need more information, ask a doctor, your parents, a guidance counselor or some other trusted adult in your life.

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11y ago

Yes, one is still a virgin.

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