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They're illegal everywhere that I am aware of. All states have statutes prohibitting any 'alteration' of their license plates. Tinted covers change (alter) the color of the plates and/or obscure the printing on them).

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It is an often violated regulation but, no. it is illegal in any state to change the appearance of the license tags so that they can not be readily identified. The good thing about it though, it gives the police probable cause to stop you, ticket you if they wish, and check you out.

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anything that deters from being able to read the license plate is considered illegal,just like window tint in the state of ga. GSP.( ga. state patrol)

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Q: Are tinted license plate covers illegal in ct?
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Are tinted license plate covers illegal in Missouri?

Anything that will interefere with the reading of a license is illegal. The obstruction with a tinted cover or overly ornate border frame could be ticketed.

Are tinted license plate covers illegal in new brunswick?

Yes, tinted license plate covers are illegal in New Brunswick. They can obstruct the visibility of license plates, which is a violation of traffic laws and can result in fines or penalties. It's important to ensure that license plates are clearly visible at all times to comply with regulations.

How much is the fee for driving with tinted license plate covers?

Mine was $125

Are clear license plate covers illegal in Oregon?

17) Are headlight, tail light/brake light and license plate covers legal for street use inOregon?Answer: No. Headlight and tail/brake light covers do not meet the federal lighting standard (FMVSS 108) and Oregon has adopted the federal standard. Covers alter the light output and also reflectivity of reflex reflectors and may cover up the required square inches of lens and/or reflex reflectors required by FMVSS 108. (ORS 816.010)License plate covers, clear or tinted, are not legal because any material or covering, other than a frame or plate holder, placed on, over or in front of the plate that alters the appearance of the plate, would be illegal. Plate covers, especially tinted ones, alter the visibility of the plate and most importantly, all plate covers alter the reflectivity of the plate. (ORS 803.550).

Are clear plastic license plate covers illegal in Oregon?

17) Are headlight, tail light/brake light and license plate covers legal for street use inOregon?Answer: No. Headlight and tail/brake light covers do not meet the federal lighting standard (FMVSS 108) and Oregon has adopted the federal standard. Covers alter the light output and also reflectivity of reflex reflectors and may cover up the required square inches of lens and/or reflex reflectors required by FMVSS 108. (ORS 816.010)License plate covers, clear or tinted, are not legal because any material or covering, other than a frame or plate holder, placed on, over or in front of the plate that alters the appearance of the plate, would be illegal. Plate covers, especially tinted ones, alter the visibility of the plate and most importantly, all plate covers alter the reflectivity of the plate. (ORS 803.550).

Are plastic license plate covers illegal in Louisiana?

To the best of my knowledge they are only unlawful if they are tinted or discolored to the point where they change the basic color(s) of the original license plate or obscure the plate in some fashion so that it cannot be read. The best thing to do in order to be certain is to contact your local PD or DMV office and ask.

Are license plate covers such as the Ontrack Toll-Free Protector illegal in Washington State?

Yes, license plate covers like the Ontrack Toll-Free Protector are illegal in Washington State. The law in Washington prohibits obstructing or partially covering license plates to ensure their visibility for law enforcement purposes. Any device that alters or obscures the license plate numbers, letters, or registration tabs is considered illegal in the state.

Are clear plastic license plate covers illegal in Illinois?

Yes even though they are clear they are still illegal. I got pulled over yesterday for having CLEAR ones on my car and the cop said there both ( tinted and clear are both illegal) But i didn't get a fine or anything i just took them off.

Is it illegal to have a q on a BC license plate?

If it was unlawful to have the letter "Q" appear on a license plate the province wouldn't issue such a plate.

Are clear license plate covers illegal in Kansas?

Actually, smoke colored license plate covers are illegal in every state in the U.S. The reason is because every state has made it legal for certain equipment to be able to scan the license plate and the smoke colored covers block the equipment from scanning the plate. Due to this, the smoke colored covers are illegal. Just because you have not been stopped by a cop or forced to remove one, does not mean that it is legal in your state. In other words, take the cover off and if you are going to court on one in your state, then that answers your question..Added: Also, since ALL states have distinctive license plates insofar as recognizable colors, graphics, and artwork are concerned, license plate covers of ANY color are prohibited, except clear of course.

Are clear license plate covers illegal in Georgia?

yes because if you get flashed by a speed camera then they can't detect your registration

Are Tinted license plate covers illegal in nc?

As of December 1, 2010, NC now has a new law that any frame or transparent/tinted cover that obscures the license plate in any way and makes part of the plate "illegible" makes the driver subject to a $100 fine. The police officer gets to determine whether the cover makes it "illegible", not you. Plenty of news articles citing the new law, here's one such: (Old answer below:) I was stopped for speeding passing through Greensboro and the officer told me the tinted cover I had on my NC plate was illegal, but of couse he did not ticket me for that, just letting me know. I talk to the DMV Raleigh and all I could get was we never heard of that. I cannot find any law, stating that.