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yes there is AR codes for Pokemon rumble blast

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Q: Are there action replay codes for Pokemon Rumble Blast?
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How do you play online on Poke'mon rumble blast?

pokemon rumble doesn't have internet connection

Is Pokemon Rumble Blast out in Ireland?

yes, Pokemon rumble blast is out on Ireland

Does Pokemon Rumble blast have slacking?

Sorry but slacking is not in pokemon rumble blast

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Does Pokemon Rumble Blast work on dsixl?

no the game pokemon rumble blast doesn't work on dsiXL

Does Pokemon Rumble Blast come in DSI?

Yes and no. Pokemon rumble blast comes out in DS, but 3DS.

Does Celebi exist in Pokemon Rumble?

no only in pokemon rumble blast

Which Pokemon game shall I get?

I would suggest pokemon rumble blast, my kids really have a "rumble blast" playing it!

Does Pokemon Rumble for wii have 5th series Pokemon?

no. pokemon rumble blast for 3DS does.

Can you get the Pokemon Rumble Blast game for wii?

No, pokemon rumble blast is a game for the Nintendo 3DS

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