

Are soils renewable

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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no soil is non renewable natural resource.

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Q: Are soils renewable
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Which are the different types of soils found in India give the explanation?

There are 8 types of soils in India. 1.Alluvial soils 2.Black soils 3.Red soils 4.Laterite soils 5.Moutainous soils 6.Desert soils 7.Saline soils 8.Peat soils

What are the types of soil found in assam?

Alluvial soils, Piedmont soils, Hill soils , Lateritic soils

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clay soils, loamy soils and sandy soils

Is all soil the same?

No you can get sandy soils, clay soils, loamy soils, stony soils etc depending on what they consist of

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Sandy soils are much more permeable that clay soils.

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The only renewable energy source that can compare with nuclear is hydro, others are only minor players, at present anyway. Hydro is in my opinion the best of all available energy sources, renewable or not, but it is not available everywhere and some countries have none at all, due to geography.

Why are soils generally less fertile than clayey soils?

Sandy soils are generally less fertile than clay soils because they do not hold water as well as clay soils. Clay soils are usually fertile and hold more nutrients than sandy soils.

How do clay soils differ from sandy soils?

The sandy soils let the water pass through but the clay soils hold the water

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What are soils that are prone to liquefy?

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What are the highest rated soils for overall agricultural productivity?

The American classification for such soils are Mollisols. The Canadian soil classification denotes such soils as Chernozemic soils.