Castor bean is not poison to deer unless the group of deer of your reagion has alergy to it , it is common cows or goats invade castor plantation and just be all right that happen because the toxin is iion the seed and the deer is going to eat the leaves
No, deer do not typically eat buckeyes because they are toxic to most animals, including deer. Buckeyes contain a compound called glycoside, which can be harmful if ingested. Deer tend to avoid plants that are toxic to them.
Yes, a deer is a monogastric herbivore. This means it has a single-chambered stomach (monogastric) and primarily eats plants (herbivore).
Yes deer are animals and yes they eat. However, they eat plants (- they ARE herbivores) not animals (- they ARE NOT carnivores).
A deer is neither a producer nor an autotroph. Deer are heterotrophs, meaning they obtain their energy by consuming other organisms, such as plants.
to get the energy from plants and turn it in to animal energy
bean plant or any plants in general are producers in food chain
A Bean Deer is an highly intelligent animal relative on the Rain Deer lives in the North pole living of nothing but Baked Beans
Not really, no, unless your rabbit munched its way through a LOT of plants. Poinsettias being poisonous to pets and kids is a fairly old urban myth.
Yes, deer can eat poison ivy without any negative effects. Poison ivy is not toxic to deer like it is to humans. In fact, deer are known to browse on a variety of plants, including poison ivy, as part of their natural diet.
does parrot and deer eat plants or animals
Deer are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants. Skunks are animals, not plants. So deer do not eat skunks.
deer needs plant to eat .
no it is not
Yes, deer will eat bellflowers [Campanulaspp]. It may not be top on their list of preferred foods. But if deer are hungry enough, they'll eat whatever gives them what they like: nibble sized, moist portions of flowers and leaves. And if they're really really hungry, they'll have no requirements. They'll just take what's available ... even plants that are touted as deer resistant and even deer poisonous!
yes, they do eat plants