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He relied primarily on his generals

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Q: After the Battle of Bull Run President Jefferson Davis revised his military strategy to rely primarily upon?
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What military theorist did Confederate President Jefferson Davis base part of his war strategy on?

Jefferson Finis Davis, the President of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War, took personal charge of the Confederate war plans but was unable to find a strategy to defeat the more populous and industrialized Union.

How did President Jefferson Davis manage Southern military operations late in 1862?

After November 1862, Jefferson Davis relied heavily on his new secretary of war, James A. Seddon. Seddon had been a planter and a former congressman who had acquired a firm grasp of military strategy and logistics.

Was Abraham Lincoln a commander?

As President, he was Commander-in-Chief, but he had no experience in military command. He taught himself military strategy and tactics from the Library of Congress to be able to converse with his generals.

What did Confederate President Jefferson Davis say about the loss of forts Henry and Donelson?

In February of 1862, Confederate President Jefferson Davis blamed the loss of forts Henry and Donelson on a strategical error by himself. He admitted before the Confederate Congress that the strategy of trying to defend the entire South could not be effective. Strategies to prevent these types of losses would be more focused on key Confederate holdings and the renewed efforts of the military forces.

Where did general Lee taught military strategy at?

I don't believe Gen Robert E Lee taught strategy anywhere. - Lee was primarily a combat engineer in his early career. Although he was later Superintendent of West Point for 3 years he apparently didn't lecture on Strategy.

Who is the principal adviser to the president?

That depends on the president and his situation. He may depend on the Secretary Defense or he may have a favorite general that he trusts. As a rule, the Secretary of Defense gives advice on forming and equipping the military whereas the chiefs of staff are planners of strategy and military operations.

Who is the principle military advisor to the president?

That depends on the president and his situation. He may depend on the Secretary Defense or he may have a favorite general that he trusts. As a rule, the Secretary of Defense gives advice on forming and equipping the military whereas the chiefs of staff are planners of strategy and military operations.

43 the military strategy used in the invasion of Poland was?

The Blitzkrieg Strategy.

Who is responsible for developing the National Military Strategy?

____________ is responsible for developing the National Military Strategy. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

What is the impact of technology on military strategy and military strategy on technological development and innvation?

The impact of technology on military strategy is that through technology the militarys power is made stronger. They are more able to accomplish their purpose and reason for gaining control. Military strategy on technology is pushing new and improved inventions to take place to benefit the military with the desire to innovate and also dominate.

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Did the German military strategy kristallnacht exploited new advances?

Kristallnacht had nothing to do with military strategy. Please see related question.