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Well, sadly, probably after a DWAI conviction your insurance will find it wise to drop you.

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Q: After a DWAI conviction is it wise to drop your insurance during the revocation period?
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How long can an insurance cocompany keep a DWI conviction on your record in Canada?

In Canada, a DWI conviction can typically stay on your driving record for up to 10 years. However, the exact duration can vary depending on the province or territory where the offense occurred. After this period, the conviction is usually no longer visible to insurance companies when they access your driving record.

Can you get a life insurance license in Michigan with a felony conviction?

Normally, a felony conviction will raise red flags for the regulator who is responsible for granting licenses. Most states have provisions in their insurance licensing statutes that prohibit insurance licenses for people who have been convicted of felonies that involve "moral turpitude". That said, there are also often provisions that temper this prohibition and allow licenses under certain circumstances, such as after a stated period of time has elapsed after the conviction.

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Pre-revocation refers to the period of time before a license, certification, or other permission is officially revoked. During this time, the individual or entity may still have the opportunity to address any issues or concerns that could potentially lead to the revocation being overturned, suspended, or modified. It is a crucial window for taking corrective actions or presenting a case for reconsideration.

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The unexpired insurance at the end of the fiscal period represents?

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In 1686, almost immediately after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (in 1685).

What is the probationary period in life insurance?

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You have insurance coverage if you paid the premium required for that policy. The coverage will pay appropriate types of claims during the period of time of that policy.

Is there an allowable grace period for auto insurance premiums to be late in Oklahoma?

In most cases, not. Insurers usually give you a 5-10 window to make payment and be re-instated. However during that time period you have no insurance.

What is the difference between license suspension and revocation?

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