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The material is most likely a nonmetal. Nonmetals are typically nonmagnetic, can be found in gaseous form, and do not conduct heat or electricity well. They often react with other elements to form compounds.

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Q: A material is nonmagnetic and gaseous and does not conduct heat or electricity It will however react with other elements It is most likely a what?
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No, latex is an insulating material and does not conduct electricity.

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No, rayon does not conduct electricity as it is a non-conductive material.

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These elements are metals.

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The group of elements that do not conduct electricity are generally called non metals.

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Elements that are shiny and conduct electricity are called metals. These elements have a high luster, or metallic shine, and their outer electrons are free to move, allowing them to conduct electricity. Examples of shiny, metallic elements include copper, silver, and gold.

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Elements that conduct electricity typically have free electrons in their outer atomic structure. These free electrons are able to move easily through the material, creating an electric current. Metallic elements are good conductors of electricity because they have loosely held outer electrons that are free to move.

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An insulator is a material that does not conduct electricity. Materials like rubber, glass, and plastic are common examples of insulators.

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I would say that salt water would conduct electricity best.

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What type of material does not conduct heat or electricity?

One type of material that does not conduct heat or electricity is a ceramic material, such as glass or porcelain. These materials have a high electrical resistance and low thermal conductivity, which prevents the flow of heat or electricity through them.