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When a car is borrowed (with permission) the insurance of the car owner is primary and the insurance of the driver is secondary.

Here, the car owner has no coverage to pay for the damage to his/her own car, so the driver's liability insurance would cover the cost of the car. That is assuming the driver has liability insurance, if the driver doesn't have liability insurance, the car owner is stuck (unless he sues the driver).

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Q: A car with liability insurance only is borrowed and in an accident Car is totaled Whose insurance will cover?
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I have liability only and my car was totaled?

If another person was at fault for the accident, you will need to go after their insurance company. If you are liability only, your insurance company will not pay for anything.

You own an uninsured vehicle that was borrowed by a driver with out insurance in Florida she got into a no fault accident and the car was totaled. what is your recourse?

Its your fault

What happens after your car is totaled and you only have liability?

If a car is totaled in an accident and only liability insurance is present, there is a chance that the other party's insurance will pay for the vehicle if the accident was their fault. If a car is totaled, but no others were involved, then the responsibility falls on the registered owner. This will not release the registered owner from paying for the vehicle, either, if money is still owed on the car.

If you get into an accident and the other driver is at fault and your car is totaled of course his insurance will pay but if they pay the deductible who gets it?

There is no deductible for liability claims.

What can be done with a totaled vehicle under lien and only liability insurance?

If the accident is your fault, your insurance company is not going to pay out anything. If it is the other person's fault, the other insurance company will be liable.

What is the difference between full coverage auto insurance and liability only insurance?

Full coverage auto insurance covers everything. If the car is totaled they will will replace it. Liability auto insurance will only cover medical bills, and not the car if it is totaled.

If you were involved in an accident and did not have full coverage but the bank had put forced insurance on the loan will that insurance cover the totaled car?

That insurance will probably cover the BANKS interest in the vehicle and any liability that may be assigned to it, but little or nothing for you.

I have liability insurance my car was totaled what am i to do with the car?

Repair it make a planter out of it sell it for scrap Without collision insurance you are out of luck unless the accident was the other guys fault, in which case his insurance will pay you for the value of your car and collect the remains.

What does the your insurance company do to a car if it is totaled and you only have liability coverage?

If you caused the accident and you totaled your car and you only have liability insurance, your insurance company does not do anything to your car. The car was taken away by the tow truck driver. You may pay to haul it somewhere to be repaired or you may sell it to a junk yard. If the other driver caused the accident, then his insurance company buys your car. It still goes to a junk yard to be recycled. That way, however, you will get some money. Either way, you are entitled to get your personal stuff out of the car.

Does liability insurance get you money for a car if your car is totaled?

The other parties liability should if it was their fault. Your liability should cover the vehicle you damaged.

Is it legal for your insurance company to deny a loss for a car that was totaled?

It would depend on why the car was totaled and who's fault the accident was and what time of insurance do you have PLPD or Full Coverage

How do you get a car after your vehicle is damaged?

most time if the car was in an accident and is totaled you will have to by it back from your insurance company