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Most women don't have an actual period during pregnancy but they can have implantation bleeding around the time there period would be due but it would be much lighter. The only way to know for sure is to take a test. Also, could you be ovulating? It normally happens 2 weeks before your next period is due and about 3 days before ovulation you will start getting discharge and many women get cramping on one side (the side there egg will drop from).

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Q: You had your period two days early and only lasted three days Its now about five days later and you are having one sided cramps you are feeling very tired and have discharge. could i still be pregnant?
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Well, a sign of what? pregnancy? All women have discharge. And I am pregnant right now. And when you are pregnant your discharge increases.

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I had a similar situation and I was fine. If you have cramps then you really need to go to the doctor.