

Would zebra is chase by a lion?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The lion wants to eat the zebra.

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Q: Would zebra is chase by a lion?
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Would a zebra surivive when is being chase by a lion?

Yes. They have a unique pattern on their hairs making it able to hide in the tall grass

What would a zebra do if it was being chased by a lion into water?

The zebra will actually get chased by the lion on purpose, so when the moment comes for the zebra to drown the lion

What animals would fit into a food chain with a lion?

A zebra because the lion will eat it.

What would be a lion's prey?

it would be zebra,deer,gazelle ect

What is the difference between a zebra and a lion?

The zebra is the DINNER. The lion is the DINER.

A zebra eats grass a lion eat zebras what is this an example of?

This is an example of the food chain. The Zebra is a herbivore which means they only eat grass and a lion is a carnivore which means it eats another animal or eats meat. so the answer is zebras are herbivores and lions are carnivores.

An amimle that is hunted by other animle?

a lion would hunt a zebra

What is a predator to zebra?

The lion is a major predator to the zebra.

Who eats the zebra?

lion and cheetah eat the zebra

Who would win - a tiger or a zebra?

Even though this is a picture of a lion instead of a tiger, i believe a zebra could win this fight.

What is it called when a zebra eats grass and a lion eats a zebra?

this is an example of a food chain. or the lion is a secondary consumer, which eats (primary consumers) which would be the zebra the zebra eat's (primary producers or autoroph) which would be grass. :) **

A zebra eats grass A lion eats zebra What is this an example of?

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