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no the people with a good health care system don't have to pay for a univesal health care system because it's the same thing.

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Q: Would the people with a good health care system have to pay for a universal health care system?
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Do every culture have some form of religion?

Religion is a belief. A belief is a perspective of the truth. It may or may not be true. Religions have followers that believe that their perspective of the truth is true. However, even though they may or may not have the correct perspective of the truth, they still think they do, so religion is a universal belief system for those people that think that their perspective of the truth is true. If there was a universal belief system for a culture, every member of the culture would have the same perspective of the truth. However no culture has members that have the same perspective of the truth so no culture has a universal belief system. Even within a religion, there a different views held by members, so religion is not the universal belief system every culture uses. Is there a universal belief system? If there is, there must be a universal truth. If there is a universal truth, the universal belief system would be the correct perspective of the truth. The universal belief system would then define what thinking is true or not true. How would you discover the universal belief system? If the truth cannot change, only our perspective of it, it would be possible to discover the universal belief system by questioning every single perspective to see if the perspective can change. If the perspective can change, it would be the wrong perspective of the truth. Whatever remained after questioning would therefore constitute the universal belief system. Has this been done before? In order to discover the universal belief system, a person would be required to make himself or herself think the thoughts of all people and either prove or disprove these thoughts. If a pattern could be found, it would be possible to fast track the discovery process. Rather than questioning every single thought, thoughts would then be part of the pattern. If differences existed between the pattern and the thought pattern in other people, the pattern may or may not be the correct perspective. The pattern of thought that remained after questioning would be the correct perspective of the truth. If two or more thought patterns remained, no universal belief system would exist. A universal belief system has been proposed to exist. By using the philosophical pillar of the point of living, two different thought patterns at the subconscious level were questioned. Only one of these thought patterns remained. (In other words, there was no point in living if the other pattern was correct). This has been proposed as the universal belief system. Any thinking outside of the universal belief system would therefore constitute a psychological disorder. If correct, this discovery has the potential to totally change the way people think about psychological disorders and mental illness.

Why universal health care would be harmful to your way of life in the US?

Ask any Canadian

Is America the only place with no universal health care?

No. Most of the African continent and much of the middle east have no universal health care. The claims of universal coverage in many countries is misleading. They may offer free medication but not the kind of coverage we would consider to be appropriate to the term.

When will the universal health bill go into effect?

Well the bill that currently passed is not universal health care. However there are some aspects of it that will start right away and some will not start until 2014. (Such as the mandate and student grants) Universal health care could be the next step following this bill and it would start when congress passed it.

What are the elements of the organizational component of the US health system?

Any element relating to health c%re would be related to their health system.

What will it take to rebuild our health system in the US without having to rely on politicians to get it done?

Answer: You're implying the U.S. health care system is unsatisfactory. If people would choose a healthier diet and lifestyle, that would reduce the demand for existing medical services.

What is the ethical view on alcohol?

Any system of ethics is not universal and people look upon various things differently. It would depend on what society you are referring to as to the view of alcohol.

What do you think about the Universal Health Care plan?

Not an answer. This is from the person who asked the question (Details) Hi!I'm doing a world history project on current events, by the title you can see what it's about, universal health care.My partner and I decided to ask online to see what people think so we can make our own statistics depending on the answers we get. So I am asking (if you want) when answering the question to possibly include where you live, your age, and if you have health care. Anything else that you think may help us with our project is greatly appreciated.The question: What do you think about the Universal health care plan? Do you think that we should be focusing on other issues like the economy, war, inflation, etc? Would you prefer the Private or Public plan? Do you think that this is good for our country or just worsen the current status? Or do you just not care?Please consider those questions when answering.One question we really would like you to answer:Overall what do you think about universal health care?-Yes, we should have universal health care-No, we should no have universal health care-No, I think it's a good idea but not right now with our economy, etc

What are the advantages of the Canadian health care system to the patient?

Advantages in the Canadian health care system are first and foremost, the availability of health care. Canada has a universal health care system meaning that everyone receives health care. This is especially beneficial to employers and low income families because they do not need to worry about the cost of injury for the most part and can use the extra money that they would be paying to keep their business or their family afloat. There is also an excellent standard for care in Canada and no one is denied because of ethnicity or their personal health. Funds from taxes also go directly to care and not to the administration.

Does the health care system in BC cover the cost of knee replacements?

The knee replacement would be covered by the health care system.

Hawaii's universal health care?

Hawaii had the first universal health care program for children, but it was canceled just after 7 months because it costs too much. It turned out that the people who already had private health insurance were canceling their plans so that they could get in on a government freebie. The politicians and doctors that set up this program did not know that people would do that. This is the warning that the USA needed. The number of uninsured is always mentioned, but nobody thinks about the number of people that will cancel their existing private plans to get in on a government freebie. WHY SHOULD YOU PAY FOR SOMETHING IF YOU CAN ALREADY GET IT FOR FREE FROM THE GOVERNMENT?

Where might one find cheap rates on universal health insurance?

An individual seeking to find cheap rates on universal health insurance at several different websites online. One could check out the universal insurance plans at the PlanPrescriber website, as well as the AARP company website. Another site that would be of interest Accuterm, US Healthcare, and the Affordable Health Insurance Organization's website as well, just to name a few.