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Yes, most likely there always will be people who want to learn French. French is useful for travel. The French language is the official language of countries in Europe, and elsewhere in the world. For example, it's spoken on islands of the Caribbean Sea and of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It also is spoken in the the African country of Morocco, the North American country of Canada, and the South American country of Guiana.

French also is useful for careers in dance, diplomacy, fine food service, international political economics, music, research, and tourism. Many French words form the basic vocabulary of terms in dance and music. Knowledge of the language is part of a classical training for service in government and international organizations. The French language is a major research tool worldwide, currently and historically. It's linked with vital documentation and ongoing investigations regarding every single one of the continents, including Antarctica.

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Q: Would people still want to learn French if it could be called a really difficult language to learn?
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French or Francophone (french speaking people)the French (in French language : les français, les françaises)

The French language grow out of which ancient language?

Learning The French Language Will Benefit Your Career but it can be a difficult thing for many people especially if you have a busy lifestyle and need to be able to converse in French quickly. We provide the best french language course in Canada. Great for beginner to intermediate learners. French is a very popular language these days and many people want to learn it. Keep learning French with our online courses! We deliver the best French courses training in Canada.

What is the language of the french people today?

French is the official language of France.

What is the French people's language?

french speak french

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French people talk in what language?


What is the french language based on?

French people.

How many people speak french as their second language?

It is difficult to provide an exact number, but French is estimated to be the second language of around 100 million people worldwide. This includes individuals who have learned French as a second language for various reasons such as study, work, or personal interest.

Is french just a language?

No, French is not just a language. It is also a culture and identity associated with the people of France and other French-speaking countries. The French language has a rich history and is spoken by millions of people worldwide.

In which language do French people write?

French (Francais)

Why do people in France speak French there?

French is the language of French people, who are the ones living in France.