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Depending on how it is presented i think it would be acceptable. It should all be approached in a voluntary/helpful contribution and in no way ask for a specific amount.

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Q: Would like to set up a memorial to help pay for the funeral cost of your son because he had no life insurance and you need help paying for the funeral?
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Does the beneficiary of a life insurance policy have to pay for the deceased funeral cost or should the estate pay for it?

The beneficiary of a life insurance policy is not responsible for paying for the deceased's funeral cost using the money from the proceeds of the life insurance policy. The estate of the deceased is responsible for paying for the funeral cost from the proceeds of the estate.

Why do you want life insurance policy?

Life insurance will help pay for your funeral and final bills when you pass on. It also helps your family financially cope with your death. The less your loved ones have to worry about paying, the easier your death will be on them.

Why do you have to pay an insurance surcharge?

Because if you don't you will be paying nothing for your bill . If it is overdue.

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I would say YES. It seems similar to me, that it's the same question as, what if the insurance isn't paying because it's below the deductible? I know for a fact there that you get the Insurance Negotiated rate.

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Please allow your funeral directoe to advise you. That is part of what you are paying them for , their professional advice.

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We all are.

Is the oldest child in charge of the parents funeral arrangements?

No it's the person that is paying for the funeral or an executor of the deceased's estate.

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Most insurance companies allow online bill paying because it is easier and it is paperless. Also most companies will deduct it from a bank account.

If your sister dies and she has no husband or children who is responsible for paying for her funeral?

Whoever arranges the funeral is responsible for paying. In this situation, it's better to not have a funeral. When something like that happens, most families would claim to not have the money, then the county would pay for a cremation.

IS paying someones insurance deductible in North Carolina Insurance fraud?

Most states do not care who pays the deductible, however, if it is a body shop or a contractor who is paying, it may be considered fraud because they sometimes charge the insurance company more to make up the difference.

Should I get liability insurance?

Yes because if you get into a car accident you wont be paying for the other cars damages out of your pocket. Your insurance would cover any expenses for the person who was hit and you wont have to worry about paying all the fees.

Does paying car insurance monthly build your credit?

Paying your insurance premiums do no report to any credit reporting bureaus.