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There is a great chance that you will you lose your deceased husbands retirement if you remarry. States handle this issue differently.

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Q: Will you lose your deceased husbands retirement if you remarry?
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Do you lose your husbands pension if you remarry?

What happens if you are receiving a widows pension when your husband passes away, and then you remarry please advise, as my state pension was insufficient as I paid a reduced stamp for part of my working life, my husband passed away 6 years ago please advise thank you

If you have a child who is now 8 and autistic and you have been receiving much needed child support for him from his father will you lose that child support if you chose to remarry?

No, it will have no effect.

Will an ex-wife lose benefits from her ex-husband if she remarries?

Yes, and in a growing number of states, when she just lives with the man. it depends. if this is military. and the court awards you retirement pension you will receive this for the rest of your life plus COLA (cost of living allowances) and you can remarry. cause it is awarded as martial property ...meaning it is yours . So you get it until he dies. or you. The alimony maybe different based on orders. in most if you remarry yes. child support no...but also maybe if the judge says once you receive the award it maybe diminshed or in most cases if you are awarded permanent alimony then you receive it until you remarry. the former spouses act protects this and awards it as marital property so he can't cancel it. it is your income for the time you served to the service under him as sponsored in many case some of the wives are also service members or government contractors and benefits are only given under this sponsorship so it is only right that you receive a retirement pension from the government cause you earned it. And in most cases it is not easy to have a retirement cause he or she controls the finances and they might be bad and take from yours. so in all if you want to remarry you can cause it is your retirement and not his. just make sure the second husband or wife is having their own and they are not aloud unless it is for children etc. or it is better to get life insurance .and put them on beneficiary

Is it right for your mother to date her deceased husbands cousin?

Yes I think it is okay. It would be better than a total stranger because at least you know this man. Your mother knows him too. I think you should go easy on her and give her a chance with him. It is very hard to lose a father/husband so we need to find happiness where we can.

How long do you have to be married to collect your deceased husbands social security?

The widow or widower of a deceased person who worked long enough can receive benefits. Generally, you must be married to the deceased person for at least nine months to qualify for benefits based on your spouse's Social Security benefits.Generally, a divorced person can collect under the former spouse's benefit if the marriage lasted at least ten years and the applicant must be unmarried.You can find more information at the Social Security Administration website.

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It depends in which country you live. You need to enquire at your local social security office

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