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no not any weakness by blood donation just Psycology symptoms shoon

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Q: Will oligenia cause you to get weak and feel sick for a day or so after blood donation?
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How bad can one feel after plasma donation?

To make a plasma donation is the same as a blood donation. Red blood cells float in plasma, so they take the blood and seperate the plasma. So you might feel a bit dozy or weak after, but this isn't common.

Does the blood type b make you feel colder than others?

No, blood type should not make you prone to feel cold. But Anemia can cause this.

Could the blood type b make you feel colder than others?

No, blood type should not make you prone to feel cold. But Anemia can cause this.

Is it possible to get dizzy before and after donating blood?

Of course you will get dizzy after donated blood, because you body need to produce much more red blood cells to carry oxygen around your body.You will also get tired and feel sleepy.If you get dizzy before,that means you are nervous or scare. Most people feel fine before and after their blood donation. If someone feels dizzy BEFORE their donation it is most likely due to nerves. If someone feels dizzy AFTER their donation it can be due to nerves, family members, friends or other donors talking about feeling dizzy, the body's response to pain, donating on an empty stomach, or being close to the minimum weight requirement for donating.

Does ink poisoning cause pain at all?

No it does not you might feel blood clotting and such but no pain...

Can you donate blood while on your period?

if you feel fine then yes. By the end of your period you'll have lost around half a cup of liquid - which is a small amount.The nurses who will be taking your donation will first give you a haemoglobin test to check your red blood count etc and to ensure that you are not anemic. As long as you pass this test you are able to donate blood. However, during and after your period these levels can decrease and so it is not recommended that you donate at this time. Feel free to go along because there is no way of telling whether or not your blood cell count would be lower than the donation level unless your are tested :D xAPPEAL TO INDIANSBlood Donation is the biggest donation in the world. As we all know, tragedy occurs every other day and we hear about blood shortages. We cannot let people die short of blood. Our blood can give life to someone, someday. Hence, it is our duty as an Indian to stand up to the situation.

Do you have too much sugar in your blood if you feel faint?

Too much sugar in the blood can cause faintness, but many other conditions can cause it too. The best advice is to see a physician.

What is volume expansion after blood donation?

After you donate blood, the amount of blood taken isn't in your bloodstream anymore. Now you have to replace the volumn of the loss by hydration. This will ensure that you are not walking around with 500cc or so of blood loss. Most of the blood in your bloodstream is water anyways, so most of the hydration will replace it pretty quick. If you are a small frame person, small amounts of blood loss could cause you to be "anemic" temporarily, so you may pass out or feel dizzy until your body replaces the volumn thus maintaining the normal blood pressure your body is used to.

What conditions might cause blood vessels to change diameter?

Blood vessels can feel the shear stress caused by blood flow. When shear stress increases the blood vessel responds and the diameter becomes larger. Thus in short, changes in blood flow might cause blood vessels to change diameter.

Does a normal blood sugar reading make you more active?

Having a normal blood sugar level can definitely affect how you feel overall. If it is in an abnormal range it can cause you to feel groggy or just overall unwell.

Is blood donation an individual responsibility?

It is your blood. If you decide to donate then it is indeed your decision. Blood donating is a very worthwhile thing to do and helps people in crisis. You are tested before you give blood to see if you are anemic. If you dont have any diseases and are not anemic, then your blood would be a welcome thing to donate. If you are wondering if you should do it, then give it a try. You might feel very good about yourself for doing so.

Is it normal to feel very large blood clots and be able to push them out during a period?

Being able to feel very large blood clots, may be a problem. Feeling blood clots is normal, but large ones may cause vaginal viruses.