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Retinal hemorrhage is a disorder of the eye in which bleeding occurs into the light sensitive tissue on the back wall of the eye. by

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What is retinal hemorrhage?

Retinal hemorrhage is the abnormal bleeding of the blood vessels in the retina, the membrane in the back of the eye.

What is a Retinal hemorrhage?

Bleeding of the retina, a key structure in vision located at the back of the eye

What are possible but infrequent complications of scleral buckling?

bleeding under the retina; cataract formation; double vision; glaucoma; vitreous hemorrhage

What is CRVO?

CRVO is a painless loss of vision that can be caused by a swollen optic disk, the small area in the retina where the optic nerve enters the eye, by dilated retinal veins, and by retinal hemorrhages.

What alternative treatment is used for retinal hemorrhages?

Laser surgery by an opthalmologist is a common treatment for retinal hemorrhages, in which a laser beam is used to remove or seal off damaged or bleeding blood vessels in the retina.

Can methilphenidate cause hemmorage in the eyes What other things could be the cause of bleeding behind my retina in both eyes?

Methylphenidate has not been known to cause a hemorrhage behind the eyes. Something that can cause bleeding behind the retina in both your eyes is diabetes or a stroke of the eye.

What is the layer of photoreceptors?

the retina contains the rods and cones which sense the amount of light and different colors respectively.

What is the back of the eye called?

Your Retina

What is the sensitive surface of the eye that acts like the film in a camera?

It's actually called the lens, which is in the cornea.

Why aren't there blood vessels in your sight if there are blood vessels on the retina?

This is because of a phenomenon that prevents our brains from processing what is referred to as a stabilized image. Sense the blood vessels on the retina are in a fixed position and move with the retina as the eye moves our brains can in affect remove the shadows from our vision without us ever being aware of them because the position of the vessels in our field of vision never changes. In the event of a retinal hemorrhage for example where a vessel may expand or burst, this would create vision problems as the event would create a new or changing obstruction on the retina that the brain would be able to detect.

Where is the photoreceptor located?

the back portion of the eye

What is the light sensitive tissue in the eye?

The retina. This consists of layers of cells that detect light and colour and transmit information to the brain via the optic nerve.