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Saturn is a gas giant, and the first bit of solid ground is almost at the core, where the air pressure is too great. In the atmosphere, the winds (which are over 150 mph average) would tear most structures apart, and above the atmosphere wouldn't be ON saturn.

You could always live on moons near saturn.

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Q: Why would it be impossible to live on Saturn?
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A burial shroud. It would be impossible to live on Saturn.

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Saturn is a gas giant but it may have a inner core made of molten rock, but that is not certain.

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no it would not be impossible to live on mars.but it would be very hard. the carbon dioxide is SUPER poisoning.

Why would you want to live on Saturn?

cause it would probalby be cool

What would you where if you went to Saturn?

If you ever plan on going to Saturn (which i think its impossible) you would have to were thick clothes because of the air and make it fresh inside the suit because Saturn's core is very hot. :-)good luck if u ever try going to Saturn

Does Saturn have an atmasrphere?

no.if it did people would live there already

Would humans ever be able to live on Saturn?

It's to hot for humans to live on

What would have to be changed to live on Saturn?

Saturn is a gas planet. I really don't think saturn can change for people because it is in it's own world.

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you could not play the rings of saturn as a record because the rings of saturn are made up of particles of ice so it would technically be impossible to do so. you have to be stupid which u r for searching up this question

What modifacations would be needed for humans to live on Saturn?

To live on Saturn, a person would need to bring every resource with them. This would include oxygen, sustainable food, clothes, bathroom supplies, etc. It would not be a very practical living situation.