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The dentist is crooked, and looking to make a buck.

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Q: Why would a dentist drill out a tooth and fill if there is no cavity?
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How do you know if you have a cavity without seeing the dentist?

The dentist would inform me that I lost a tooth.

What can cause a tooth to hurt?

A Tooth AcheAnswerYou could have a sensitive tooth, cavity or possibly an abscess. I would make an appointment to see your dentist.

Can dental fillings break?

While only a dentist can evaluate your broken tooth, generally one thing determines whether a broken tooth can be filled: how much tooth is left. However, dentists can also perform a root canal if you have the money and shape the remaining tooth (drill away the cavity also) and put a false tooth over it -- a cap. But only a dentist can determine if a cap would be the best thing to do. You may need the tooth pulled, though dentists try to "save" teeth whenever they can. Go to the dentist before it gets worse.

Is there a major problem with a hole in a wisdom tooth?

Yes there is a problem. It means that you have a major cavity and you should have your wisdom tooth checked right away. The dentist would either tell you to do a filling on it if it is out enough and if the cavity is not too deep. The other alternative would be to extract it.If the tooth is well out and the cavity is into the pulp chamber (nerve), you might save your tooth by doing a root canal on it. That needs to be discussed with the dentist.By Cyberanto

How one can remove cavities of tooth?

I'm no dentist but in these type of circumstances i would seriously consider a dentist to answer this one but the cavity can turn into gingivitis. My sister had a cavity on her tooth, of course she was only 9 so she would lose it. Your teeth or tooth may hurt but you did it to yourself. if you really need to get rid of it then seriously consider brushing you teeth more, less sugary food, and no more fats. I HOPE THIS HELPS :) P.S. I'm only 11 :) very smart

Is it possible to remove cavities?

If you are referring to dental carries, or cavities in your teeth, the answer is no. The tooth, once formed and erupted, does not produce more enamel, so once there is a hole it is there for good unless a dentist fixes it.

Is there a method to examinate the presence of tooth cavity if yes what it would be like?

A dentist will inspect your teeth, and advise on whether any dental work is needed. A cavity will probably be drilled and then filled with a special dental paste. This will, hopefully, prevent the root/ nerve of the tooth from becoming infected, leading to a painful toothache.

Is friction between a dentist's drill and your tooth harmful or helpful?

No the drill's friction against a tooth (enamel) is not harmful. If this procedure was harmful then there wouldn't be these people who wear white scrubs and make a ton of money to see teeth all day,,,, you know they call them (Dentist!!!!). Just kidding... I like to have fun. but no harm is done... They would not allow this in dentistry if it were harmful to you, (95% of procedures are having to use a drill one way or another... Aunt Laura

What is the difference between getting your tooth pulled and getting a root canal?

A root canal would almost never be done on a Wisdom Tooth. But it is when they open the top of the tooth and remove all of the nerves in the roots. They leave the roots and fill them with a special material. Then they put a filling in the tooth. The tooth will also need a crown put on it to keep it healthy. Having your Wisdom Teeth removed is when they take out the very last molars in your mouth. They are called Wisdom Teeth. Very few people have room for these teeth to fit properly in their mouth. Each person has one on the top right, top left, bottom right and bottom left; four wisdom teeth. A root canal is done to save a tooth and keep it in mouth. The removal of a tooth consists of extracting it. Which is better? Depends on many factors. Can you use your wisdom tooth if you keep it? Will that wisdom tooth replace another molar that has previously extracted? The best would be to discuss it with your dentist.

If you have a small cavity in a baby tooth that still has roots on it should you fill the cavity or pull the tooth?

The best thing would be to have a filling put in the tooth. But if the tooth is going to fall out soon, the dentist may recommend pulling it instead. Have it looked at by a dentist and then do what you think is best.Whatever you do don't pull it out yourself. See a dentist its not that bad, honestly..lolFill the ToothPulling a baby tooth too early can cause other teeth to move forward and cause misaligned teeth. It depends on the age of the child and which tooth it is. If the tooth is about to fall out, then pulling the tooth isn't a bad option. Some "baby teeth" stick around until age 11 or 12 or even 13 sometimes, so if it is a young child, pulling the wrong baby tooth could cause severe misalignment. You really need a dentist's opinion on this matter.If this is an adult patient with a retained baby tooth, and the adult tooth never came in, well they should probably keep the tooth because there is no "replacement" on the way.

Should you visit the dentist if you get a tooth abscess?

I do believe that you need to see a dentist and not an orthodontist regarding a tooth abscess. If anything, the dentist would treat it or if need be, refer you to a specialist.

If your jaw hurts and it affects your tooth do you go to the doctor or the dentist?

I recommend going to see a doctor. If the pain was coming directly from the tooth, then I would recommend the dentist.