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It has to do with entropy. The law of entropy states that the universe tends toward having the lowest possible energy at every point. Two oppositely charged particles' magnetic fields cancel out, so, to follow this tendency, they attract each other to have more of their fields overlapping, and so, reducing the energy at each point. Two electrons are samely charged, and so, when their fields overlap the energy of each field will add together. To keep with entropy, the particles repel so that less of their fields overlap, making the energy at each point as low as possible.

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Q: Why would 2 electrons repel?
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They possess negative charges and in the universe anything having same charge would repel eachother.

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Repel each other

Do electrons repel one another?

yes. all particles with like charges repel each other.

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They would repel each other as they are both negativly charged.

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they carry same charge thus repel as opposites attract each other

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The two electrons will repel one another, through the electrostatic force.

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The negative charges of their electrons repel each other.