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A Tyranny is important because, the tyrant doesnt have to wait for a voting occur to do something for example: If some country was oing to attack us then the tyrant can decide wheter or not to fight back or to stand down.

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Tyrants (from the Greek word tyrannos, a ruler of a polis; as opposed to an aristocrat or an elected official) represented the rulers during a specific period of time in Greek history, between the falls of the oligarchies and the rise of the democracies.

During that time, the tyrants stepped in and took over control of the government, many times givng up power peacefully when a new system was put in place. However, as often as not, the tyrants abused their power and became noted as extreme opportunists that were only out for themselves. The negative connotation began with comments made by Plato and continued through the Hellenistic period to carry into Rome, where tyrannus meant an illegitimate ruler.

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Why were tyrants able to seize the control from Greek nobles?

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Ancient Greece had a system of government known as democracy, particularly in the city-state of Athens. However, it is important to note that not all Greek city-states practiced democracy, as some were ruled by tyrants and others had oligarchies (rule by a few wealthy individuals).

When of rule of the tyrants?

7th and 6th Centuries BCE.

What were the key factors Leading to the rise of tyrants?

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What Greek statesman ended the rule of tyrants?

A book of prayers which was a strong belief in Hinduism.......... thanx for reading

Why did tyrants fall out of favor with Greeks?

The answer here is simple. tyrants were able to seize control over greek nobles by protecting their grounds and standing guard for trespassers who wished to control their land!~! ALexa ANn Somebody!~!

How did the rule by tyrants affect the city states?

Tyrants effectected how the people would live. They some times destroyed them. They would make the city-states do what he/she wants by force.

What are some reasons why tyrants take control of governments?

For power, total control, and totalitarian rule.

What are tryants?

Tyrants are rulers who use their powers to oppress their people. Their regimes are usually characterized by a complete disregard of the rule of law, and the notion that the tyrant and his cronies can do whatever they want to whoever they want because they have the power to do so. Not all autocrats are tyrants, but tyrants are invariably autocrats.